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B1990440 2 on Cobalt Dream v1.1 (Multiplayer)

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9/10/2024 5:32:44 AMUSrankStuart98 before revert after revert
9/10/2024 5:32:21 AMUSrankStuart98 before revert after revert
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1 oh, I think this takes the prize for lowest damage complete annihilation/big purple heart of all time 1 oh, I think this takes the prize for lowest damage complete annihilation/big purple heart of all time
2 \n 2 \n
3 EDIT: I wasn't able to find any games that awarded Complete Annihilation for a lower damaged value off a quick look at the ~50 shortest ( >=1 minute so they counted for MM) but [this game]( https://zero-k. info/Battles/Detail/795485?ShowWinners=True) awarded Big Purple Heart for 2 less damage. 3 EDIT: I wasn't able to find any games that awarded Complete Annihilation for a lower damaged value off a quick look at the ~50 shortest ( >=1 minute so they counted for MM) but [url=https://zero-k. info/Battles/Detail/795485?ShowWinners=True]this game[/url] awarded Big Purple Heart for 2 less damage.