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the bait and switch

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
12/28/2024 4:27:10 AMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 is it possible to bait enemies into traps with deliberate fall back strategies? 1 is it possible to bait enemies into traps with deliberate fall back strategies?
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3 or is it always better to push and fortify a frontline? 3 or is it always better to push and fortify a frontline?
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5 do gurilla tactics and tactical retreats work? 5 do gurilla tactics and tactical retreats work?
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7 to be clear im not asking about porcupine defence turtle strategy im asking about making the enemy over extend then surrounding the bulge.. 7 to be clear im not asking about porcupine defence turtle strategy im asking about making the enemy over extend then surrounding the bulge..
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9 i think its a bit like the russian defence encircle strategy. . you let the enmy think your weak then your not and you kill the forces and cut off the reinforcements then when they are weak you charge. 9 i think its a bit like the russian defence encircle strategy. . you let the enemy think your weak then your not and you kill the forces and cut off the reinforcements then when they are weak you charge.