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Post edit history

update broke a mod

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
1/6/2025 3:24:34 AMunknownrankMmmmM before revert after revert
Before After
1 I want that beer to go to you. So get one for yourself. 1 I want that beer to go to you. So get one for yourself. Or give one to GF.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Also a tip: get in the habit of scanning the zero-k-repo for changes. I just did a search for 'ploppable' and saw a new method was recently introduced. And then the error is obvious. 3 Also a tip: get in the habit of scanning the zero-k-repo for changes. I just did a search for 'ploppable' and saw a new method was recently introduced. And then the error is obvious.
4 \n
5 If you're stuck of have no clue, do always make a post. People are happy to help.