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1v2ers, Whats your Strategies that you are ok with revealing?

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1/22/2025 11:21:56 AMUSrankDrascalicus before revert after revert
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1 The counter is skirmishers and/or raiders. Skirms (if fast enough) easily outpace mace and a strike comm, while dangerous, can't withstand a withering torrent from skirms. 1 The counter is skirmishers and/or raiders. Skirms (if fast enough) easily outpace mace and a strike comm, while dangerous, can't withstand a withering torrent from skirms.
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3 Raiders counter due to weight of numbers both domis and maces in different ways. Domis are hard countered by numbers thanks to cooldown on capture and a ~400M build cost. Maces because for the 1 mace, you can get 3 scorchers, 5 bandits, 7 glaives, etc that can effectively dance around it and into your base, destroying initial metal/energy (energy early game might be more useful) production, causing a crippled economy early game. 3 Raiders counter due to weight of numbers both domis and maces in different ways. Domis are hard countered by numbers thanks to cooldown on capture and a ~400M build cost. Maces because for the 1 mace, you can get 3 scorchers, 5 bandits, 7 glaives, etc that can effectively dance around it and into your base, destroying initial metal/energy (energy early game might be more useful) production, causing a crippled economy early game.
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5 My personal strat is the classic 5 scorcher rush to wipe comm or factory, preferably comm and as many mexes as I can get away with. 5 My personal strat is the classic 5 scorcher rush to wipe comm or factory, preferably comm and as many mexes as I can get away with.
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7 Edit: Another fun one might be the comm abduction.