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B2099418 6 on Hooked 1.1 (Multiplayer)

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2/5/2025 6:24:22 PMDErankkatastrophe before revert after revert
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1 @Aquanim 1 @Aquanim
2 I see your point. Now, how does Hooked perform in comparison to DukeNukem and Duck? Because with them, there is not even the slightest doubt that they are "silly". You COULD say that maps with additional hazards or changed core game mechanics are silly, but as long as a map does not add or change the game in this regard, that there is no reason to call it silly, again. 2 I see your point. Now, how does Hooked perform in comparison to DukeNukem and Duck? Because with them, there is not even the slightest doubt that they are "silly". You COULD say that maps with additional hazards or changed core game mechanics are silly, but as long as a map does not add or change the game in this regard, that there is no reason to call it silly, again.
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4 I do not want to take a position here, because I simply do not care about that map. I just want to give my thoughts on why there are many opinions here that all seem legit. 4 I do not want to take a position here, because I simply do not care about that map. I just want to give my thoughts on why there are many opinions here that all seem legit.
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6 @Stuart98 6 @Stuart98
7 Look for WinnieThePoo or Finnish Flag. There was also some weird thing with Ninja Turtles and commanders hopping around on platforms. . . I have not seen these maps in ages ( probably for very good reasons) but 10 years ago, zero-k 7 Look for WinnieThePoo or Finnish Flag. There was also some weird thing with Ninja Turtles and commanders hopping around on platforms. . . I have not seen these maps in ages ( probably for very good reasons) but 10 years ago, zero-k as a whole looked very, very different - I don't mean units an so on, but mostly that there were tons of side-gamemodes that together could rival the actual zk. Okay, I do not have stats, so someone with those can probably correct me if I am wrong.
8 as a whole looked very, very different - I don't mean units an so on, but mostly
9 that there were tons of side-gamemodes that together could rival the actual zk.
10 Okay, I do not have stats, so someone with those can probably correct me if I am wrong.
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