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B2099418 6 on Hooked 1.1 (Multiplayer)

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
2/5/2025 10:04:06 PMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
2/5/2025 10:01:58 PMAUrankAdminAquanim before revert after revert
Before After
1 I agree that Duck and DukeNukem are qualitatively more silly than Hooked. 1 I agree that Duck and DukeNukem are qualitatively more silly than Hooked.
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3 I think that it is fairly common opinion that Quicksilver/Mercurial, Banana Republic, and The Hole are not silly despite their acid/lava/void water mechanics. Certainly I would expect a game on any of those maps to play out in a far more "standard" manner than Hooked. So modified game mechanics (up to a point) are not inherently silly. 3 I think that it is fairly common opinion that Quicksilver/Mercurial, Banana Republic, and The Hole are not silly despite their acid/lava/void water mechanics. Certainly I would expect a game on any of those maps to play out in a far more "standard" manner than Hooked. So modified game mechanics (up to a point) are not inherently silly.
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5 I aspire to make a map with Hotstepper-style tidal lava mechanics that is not silly. 5 I aspire to make a map with Hotstepper-style tidal lava mechanics that is not silly.
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7 I think that there is a not-totally-unreasonable definition of "maps that should be tagged as silly" that does not include Hooked. I just don't prefer that definition. I am biased by an incident a few months ( ?) back in which somebody was manipulating their rating by playing a bunch of games back-to-back on Hooked against a much lower-rated opponent. 7 I think that there is a not-totally-unreasonable definition of "maps that should be tagged as silly" that does not include Hooked. I just don't prefer that definition. I am biased by an incident a few months ( ?) back in which somebody was manipulating their rating by playing a bunch of games back-to-back on Hooked against a lower-rated opponent. Even without explicitly throwing, the Hooked games were a lot closer to a coin flip than if the two of them played on a "standard" map.