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Make split auto start matches

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/1/2025 2:24:44 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
3/1/2025 2:24:26 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
3/1/2025 1:27:40 PMAUrankSmokeDragon before revert after revert
Before After
1 godde is incorrect when he speaks of the past as being only what he could see.. for i was there too.. not everyone complained.. there were players who wanted to play for fun and i did know because i was one and not alone.. we called ourselves the casuals.. we tried our best to remain unseen but were discovered and shunned for our lack of skillz.. our cause was simple.. together we seek less pressure in games.. to make fun a word thats free of the rule of laws.. 1 godde is incorrect when he speaks of the past as being only what he could see.. for i was there too.. not everyone complained.. there were players who wanted to play for fun and i did know because i was one and not alone.. we called ourselves the casuals.. we tried our best to remain unseen but were discovered and shunned for our lack of skillz.. our cause was simple.. together we seek less pressure in games.. to make fun a word thats free of the rule of laws..
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3 but it was not to be.. 3 but it was not to be..
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5 our numbers dwindled.. some of us were dirven away or sought shelter in smurfs.. the rage quits.. the empty rooms.. not even BA survived unscathed... (although murtagon still plays ba's resurection) 5 our numbers dwindled.. some of us were dirven away or sought shelter in smurfs.. the rage quits.. the empty rooms.. not even BA survived unscathed... (although murtagon still plays ba's resurection)
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7 godde is not compleatly wrong as he would lead those who understood his path.. one where he would join those who made him in echo of a cycle of pressure to be great.. destined to become the catalist for the next generation of hardcore gamers 7 godde is not compleatly wrong as he would lead those who understood his path.. one where he would join those who made him in echo of a cycle of pressure to be great.. destined to become the catalist for the next generation of hardcore gamers
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10 truth is if everyone plays ultra copetative i believe some part of humanity dies along with the machine-like perfect right way to do things. . the flowchart of correct decisions "CORE" vs the carefree experamental "ARM" in the spirit of TA's original premise. . man vs machine 10 truth is if everyone plays ultra copetative i believe some part of humanity dies along with the
11 machine-like perfect right way to do things.. the flowchart of correct decisions "CORE" vs the carefree experamental "ARM" in the spirit of TA's original premise.. man vs machine