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zero-k would be more fun without aspis/aegis.

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3/17/2025 8:48:20 AMSErankPLT_Godde before revert after revert
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1 On one hand, shieldballs have been continuously nerfed to the point where I find them unviable in 1v1. 1 On one hand, shieldballs have been continuously nerfed to the point where I find them unviable in 1v1.
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3 On the other hand, the strong counters to shieldball has been contiguously nerfed aswell. Area cloaker has been nerfed which nerfs snitch as a counter aswell. Skuttle has been nerfed. Thunderbird has been nerfed. Widow has been nerfed which was useful for stunning lone Felons without screening or Outlaws. Tremor has been nerfed aswell. 3 On the other hand, the strong counters to shieldball has been continuously nerfed aswell. Area cloaker has been nerfed which nerfs snitch as a counter aswell. Skuttle has been nerfed. Thunderbird has been nerfed. Widow has been nerfed which was useful for stunning lone Felons without screening or Outlaws. Tremor has been nerfed aswell.
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5 On the third hand, countering the shieldball with more general counters is simply a matter of avoiding fighting the shieldball and then concentrating your forces to destroy the shieldball in one go when you have enough forces. 5 On the third hand, countering the shieldball with more general counters is simply a matter of avoiding fighting the shieldball and then concentrating your forces to destroy the shieldball in one go when you have enough forces.
6 So in a uncoordinated teamgame, this might make you feel helpless against a shieldball, because countering it, requires teamplay. 6 So in a uncoordinated teamgame, this might make you feel helpless against a shieldball, because countering it, requires teamplay.
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8 So yeah, you are correct in your analysis from an uncoordinated teamgame perspective. 8 So yeah, you are correct in your analysis from an uncoordinated teamgame perspective.
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10 Building up a shieldball is boring because because it makes you relatively weak in the beginning of the game and you basically have to hide behind your teammates so you don't get overrun by several enemy players. 10 Building up a shieldball is boring because because it makes you relatively weak in the beginning of the game and you basically have to hide behind your teammates so you don't get overrun by several enemy players.
11 In the midgame, if someone goes for dedicated counters, they can still attrition your shieldball if they go for dedicated counters like cloaked Snitches and Likhos. Every time you expose your shieldball you risk getting blown-up. 11 In the midgame, if someone goes for dedicated counters, they can still attrition your shieldball if they go for dedicated counters like cloaked Snitches and Likhos. Every time you expose your shieldball you risk getting blown-up.
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13 On the fourth hand, if you don't have dedicated counters, and not a big enough army to fight a shieldball, you are simply helpless against it and you need help from your teammates to counter it. 13 On the fourth hand, if you don't have dedicated counters, and not a big enough army to fight a shieldball, you are simply helpless against it and you need help from your teammates to counter it.
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15 TL:DR 15 TL:DR
16 git gud. use teamplay. ask for help and coordinate with your team to counter shieldballs 16 git gud. use teamplay. ask for help and coordinate with your team to counter shieldballs