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Is success dependent on APM ?

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3/22/2025 1:25:34 AMAUrankAdminGoogleFrog before revert after revert
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1 You have to play fast to be in the top 10 of the 1v1 ladder, and probably the top 20. But the type of speed is more in map awareness, decision making, and splitting you attention (by rapidly switching between areas). Raw APM is not a great measure here because there are a lot of tools that let you quickly implement decisions, which makes the decisions and awareness more of the bottleneck. We try to avoid the "makework" clicks that @Steel_Blue wrote about, which reduces the APM requirement compared to Starcraft, but there are still quite a few meaningful actions to quickly decide between and take. Speed when reacting to new information (such as while raiding) is particularly important. 1 You have to play fast to be in the top 10 of the 1v1 ladder, and probably the top 20. But the type of speed is more in map awareness, decision making, and splitting you attention (by rapidly switching between areas). Raw APM is not a great measure here because there are a lot of tools that let you quickly implement decisions, which makes the decisions and awareness more of the bottleneck. We try to avoid the "makework" clicks that @Steel_Blue wrote about, which reduces the APM requirement compared to Starcraft, but there are still quite a few meaningful actions to quickly decide between and take. Speed when reacting to new information (such as while raiding) is particularly important.
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3 You may be able to approach the top 10 without playing fast, but only because game knowledge is also a significant factor. Speed is somewhat linked to game knowledge though, since deep knowledge often cashes out to being able to make decisions faster via familiarity. Game knowledge is also much more important compared to speed in team games, where escalation accentuates the importance of knowledge. 3 You may be able to approach the top 10 without playing fast, but only because game knowledge is also a significant factor. Speed is somewhat linked to game knowledge though, since deep knowledge often cashes out to being able to make decisions faster via familiarity. The balance also shifts towards game knowledge in larger team or free-for-all games, where escalation accentuates the importance of knowledge.