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Is success dependent on APM ?

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Date Editor Before After
3/22/2025 2:19:20 AMUSrankSleeves before revert after revert
3/22/2025 2:19:01 AMUSrankSleeves before revert after revert
3/22/2025 2:18:07 AMUSrankSleeves before revert after revert
3/22/2025 2:16:47 AMUSrankSleeves before revert after revert
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1 in my opinion, the APM to victory ratio in zero-k is like that of fighting games, speed definitely is good! you need to be fast enough to not drop comboes, but button mashing alone wont win a match, you also need the technical skill and game knowledge to know what moves those comboes use, and when is the right time to use them, there's a reason me and my buddy say "pressing buttons?" to each other when we land a raw super 1 in my opinion, the APM to victory ratio in zero-k is like that of fighting games, speed definitely is good! you need to be fast enough to not drop comboes, but button mashing alone wont win a match, you also need the technical skill and game knowledge to know what moves those comboes use, and when is the right time to use them, there's a reason me and my buddy say "pressing buttons?" to each other when we land a raw super
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3 if it's an accessibility thing, during a game you can press + or - to increase or lower the gamespeed, and this is ajustable mid-play, so you can try various speed until you find one you like, this may only be available in custom lobbies though 3 if it's an accessibility thing, during a game you can press + or - to increase or lower the gamespeed, and this is ajustable mid-play, so you can try various speed until you find one you like, this may only be available in custom lobbies though
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5 after another friend of mine got me to play starcraft 2 not too long ago, i couldnt play it for long, playing zero-k and then starcaft for me really is like using a browser with adblock, and then being told to use one without adblock, i can never go back 5 after another friend of mine got me to play starcraft 2 not too long ago, i couldnt play it for long, playing zero-k and then starcaft for me really is like using a browser with adblock, and then being told to use one without adblock, i can never go back
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7 and there is a lot of stuff to do in ZK especially if you play large maps in a 1v1, you'll need to manage your entire army still, granted you can zoom out very far and see the big picture at once (seriously why is the camera in starcraft so low to the ground that it'd be immune to AA cannons!?), and seeing the big picture cuts out a lot of that APM inflation other RTS games have, since you dont need to spam camera changes all the time 7 and there is a lot of stuff to do in ZK especially if you play large maps in a 1v1, you'll need to manage your entire army still, granted you can zoom out very far and see the big picture at once (seriously why is the camera in starcraft so low to the ground that it'd be immune to AA cannons!?), and seeing the big picture cuts out a lot of that APM inflation other RTS games have, since you dont need to spam camera changes all the time
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9 also ZK has many tools which reduce the need for APM, such as longer queues in factories with infinite build toggles, the mex command ( and it's alt and ctrl variants!) allowing you to extremely easily setup mass extraction commands, your units including engineers being able to queue up to 30( ?) orders at once, and the lower amount of active abilities compared to other games, using these and other features to queue orders up will drastically lower APM or "speed-stress" 9 also ZK has many tools which reduce the need for APM, such as longer queues in factories with infinite build toggles, the mex command ( and it's alt and ctrl variants!) allowing you to extremely easily setup mass extraction commands, your units including engineers being able to queue up to 30( ?) orders at once, and the lower amount of active abilities compared to other games, using these and other features to queue orders up will drastically lower APM requirement or "speed-stress"
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