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Post edit history
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6/25/2012 7:15:14 AMFIranksprang before revert after revert
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1 Imo split is, and should be, the norm. There are many players who don't like these chaotic 20+ player lagfests, and 5v5 ( the minimum for split games) is imho enough players for any map. [b]If[/b] you add a special vote, then it should be about not splitting, i. e. !votenosplit. A special case like this, however, isn't imo needed. There's just so much good in splitting. 1 Imo split is, and should be, the norm. There are many players who don't like these chaotic 20+ player lagfests, and 5v5 ( the minimum for split games) is imho enough players for any map. [u]If[/u] you add a special vote, then it should be about not splitting, i. e. !votenosplit. A special case like this, however, isn't imo needed. There's just so much good in splitting.