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Vote or time warning to "normal/splitted" start!

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Post edit history
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6/25/2012 2:15:37 PMBRrankFortaleza before revert after revert
Before After
1 "There is some time to click spectate, but you must watch when it gets splited, I always somehow manage to spec in time." 1 "There is some time to click spectate, but you must watch when it gets splited, I always somehow manage to spec in time."
2 So it must be 1 seg or less, could that time be increased to 7 segs? For me, that woulb be the best of all solution posted, just want to know if it will be splitted or not and time to react. 2 So it must be 1 seg or less, could that time be increased to 7 segs? For me, that would be the best of all solution posted, just want to know if it will be splitted or not and time to react.
3 \n 3 \n
4 "add a new !votestartlarge: 4 "add a new !votestartlarge:
5 - will autobalance, so no !balance spam 5 - will autobalance, so no !balance spam
6 - will act as a warning for people who prefer small games... they can spec during vote" 6 - will act as a warning for people who prefer small games... they can spec during vote"
7 Good too. There could be a server side config option to allow or not splitt too, like the command that unlock/lock(so him must manually unlock with "technologies points") all tech to every player. 7 Good too. There could be a server side config option to allow or not splitt too, like the command that unlock/lock(so him must manually unlock with "technologies points") all tech to every player.
8 \n 8 \n
9 "Another thing to try is to name rooms big room, small room and limit player count like in BA rooms, but this probably will result in specing" 9 "Another thing to try is to name rooms big room, small room and limit player count like in BA rooms, but this probably will result in specing"
10 Agree, i do not like the old BA rooms systems, lots of play do not know what to do to play if the room is full and all another empty. 10 Agree, i do not like the old BA rooms systems, lots of play do not know what to do to play if the room is full and all another empty.
11 \n
12 tl;dr just need to increased to 7 segs before game start.