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11/11/2012 12:47:11 AMDErankKlon before revert after revert
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1 normally antinuke can catch 2 nukes, but when then nuke launcher is very close ( but not necessarily within the protectors radius) , it can catch a lot more as it seems to be able to shoot the nukes when theyre still rising. is this intended behaviour? i think players should be able to calculate the number of nukes they need to overpower antinukes. maybe change it so protector can only fire with a globe-shaped range? seems to me its cylindric right now. 1 normally antinuke can catch 2 nukes, but when then nuke launcher is very close ( but not necessarily within the protectors radius) , it can catch a lot more as it seems to be able to shoot the nukes when theyre still rising. is this intended behaviour? i think players should be able to calculate the number of nukes they need to overpower antinukes. maybe change it so protector can only fire within a globe-shaped range? seems to me its cylindric right now.