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Zerok- v1.1.3.6

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/17/2013 2:32:56 PMDErankNeonSturm before revert after revert
Before After
1 Skeeters are faster than ANY OTHER ground unit - INCL. Panther (5.5 vs 3.9) 1 Skeeters are faster than ANY OTHER ground unit - INCL. Panther (5.5 vs 3.9)
2 > They are good AA against early gunship stuff and avengers, so that the air player can not support others like air is intended to and too fast for the heavy support.
2 \n 3 \n
3 They are good AA against early gunship stuff and avengers, so that the air player can not support others like air is intended to. 4 BTW: You can beat 1 Corvette with Mace+Scalpel but not chase it.
4 \n 5 \n
5 Maybe you are right with Corvette+Enforcer, they don't need this role both... 6 Maybe you are right with Corvette+Enforcer, they don't need this role both...
6 Enforcer can have a bit less AOE, so that it wouldn't outrange launchers ( not it's role) 7 > Enforcer can have a bit less AOE, so that it wouldn't outrange launchers ( not it's role)
7 \n 8 \n
8 You can beat 1 Corvette with Mace+Scalpel but not chase it. 9 Is it good, that ships are faster than vehicles, faster than hovers, anywhere between vehicles and gunships?
10 > It is not a problem of Crusader or any other ship, but of the whole fac.
9 \n 11 \n
10 Is it good, that ships are faster than vehicles, faster than hovers, anywhere between vehicles and gunships? 12 @Saktoth: Then give every unit 1 weapon vs floating/swimming and 1 deepcharge launcher which can't hit not submersed units.
11 It is not a problem of Crusader or any other ship, but of the whole fac. 13 > Or make it stronger vs EVERYTHING and get balance issues.