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Some balance suggestions

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/29/2013 8:40:56 AMAUrankAdminSaktoth before revert after revert
7/29/2013 8:40:22 AMAUrankAdminSaktoth before revert after revert
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1 The point is that the Wolverine has a narrow utility niche, and does win some matchups ( It's pretty good vs slashers, say) . If you want serious artillery you have the Impaler, so the factory is not suffering, while the Wolverine fills a niche where it can still hit mobiles, which the Impaler cannot. It's not really a balance issue, since neither the game or the factory really need it. The unit could maybe be more interesting or useful, but it is kind of prone to gimmicky abuse and mines have in the past been really problematic. 1 The point is that the Wolverine has a narrow utility niche, and does win some matchups ( It's pretty good vs slashers, say) . If you want serious artillery you have the Impaler, so the factory is not suffering, while the Wolverine fills a niche where it can still hit mobiles, which the Impaler cannot. It's not really a balance issue, since neither the game or the factory really need it. The unit could maybe be more interesting or useful, but it is kind of prone to gimmicky abuse and mines have in the past been really problematic. It's way easier to waste shots with wolverine than with cons.