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That Religion Thread continued. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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11/21/2013 9:06:08 PMGBrankTheSponge before revert after revert
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1 I think this thread is a good demonstration of what religion can do to people. The believers argue that their beliefs are true however much evidence there is to the contrary and that annoys the atheists who say things making them look bad. Meanwhile the sane normal believers are given a bad name because of the crazy people. 1 I think this thread is a good demonstration of what religion can do to people. The believers argue that their beliefs are true however much evidence there is to the contrary and that annoys the atheists who say things making them look bad. Meanwhile the sane normal believers are given a bad name because of the crazy people. Religion is incredibly divisive, when people take it too seriously it can cause a lot of trouble.