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That Religion Thread continued. Abandon hope all ye who enter here.

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
11/22/2013 1:10:35 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
11/22/2013 1:10:02 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
11/22/2013 1:08:50 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
11/22/2013 1:08:18 AMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
Before After
1 There is no excess logic. Simple as that. You can choose to argue in a logical fashion. If you do that, people will gladly pick up your ideas and have a meaningful discussion. 1 There is no excess logic. Simple as that. You can choose to argue in a logical fashion. If you do that, people will gladly pick up your ideas and have a meaningful discussion.
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3 If, at [i]any[/i] point, you choose not to argue logical, your entire argumentation will become illogical ([url=http://xkcd.com/704/]principle of explosion[/url]). You either adhere to logic or you don't, there's no "i stop when my logically evaluated statements make me feel uncomfortable". Once you stop being logic, you stop making sense. 3 If, at [i]any[/i] point, you choose not to argue logical, your entire argumentation will become illogical ([url=http://xkcd.com/704/]principle of explosion[/url]). You either adhere to logic or you don't, there's no "i stop when my logically evaluated statements make me feel uncomfortable". Once you stop being logic, you stop making sense.
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5 I'd like to repeat that once more: The moment you reject logic, this discussion is over. 5 I'd like to repeat that once more: The moment you reject logic, this discussion is over.
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7 Logic has nothing to do with science. Science ( obviously relies on logic) , but there's no science about logic. Stop mixing those up. 7 Logic has nothing to do with science. Science ( obviously) relies on logic, but there's no science about logic. Stop mixing those up.