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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
3/25/2014 7:44:23 PMSkasi before revert after revert
3/25/2014 7:43:03 PMSkasi before revert after revert
Before After
1 [quote][6:24 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception)) 1 [quote][6:24 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
2 [6:24 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception)) 2 [6:24 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
3 [6:25 PM] Ivica Yogzototh sure 3
4 [6:25 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server ( reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! ( You can ask for exception) ) 4 ( insert more kick-spam here)
5 [6:25 PM] Ivica Yogzototh !boss Yogzototh then !hostsay /cheats 5
6 [6:25 PM] Ivica or just !cheats
7 [6:25 PM] Ivica either command
8 [6:25 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
9 [6:26 PM] Ivica maybe we should compile mini faq for features like playerchickens/cheating on autohosts...
10 [6:26 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
11 [6:26 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
12 [6:27 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
13 [6:27 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
14 [6:28 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
15 [6:28 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
16 [6:29 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
17 [6:29 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
18 [6:30 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
19 [6:30 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
20 [6:30 PM] molekel i tried installing zk on gentoo .. i have strange behavior at the start .. graphic is a bit distorted and the login-window is just black :( any idea ?
21 [6:31 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
22 [6:31 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
23 [6:32 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
24 [6:32 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
25 [6:33 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
26 [6:33 PM] Yogzototh hey Ivica, whos the guy developing the shitty nebula unit?
27 [6:33 PM] Ivica i'm not sure
28 [6:33 PM] Ivica check svn
29 [6:33 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
30 [6:33 PM] Yogzototh huh, good idea
31 [6:34 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
32 [6:34 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
33 [6:35 PM] molekel the REAL problem is i tried running on win with 1024x768 .. but it didn'T run ..
34 [6:35 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
35 [6:35 PM] molekel nvidia ..
36 [6:35 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
37 [6:36 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
38 [6:36 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
39 [6:37 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
40 [6:37 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
41 [6:38 PM] Yogzototh ooh
42 [6:38 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
43 [6:38 PM] Yogzototh i used to run ZK in that resolution
44 [6:38 PM] Yogzototh the UI is simply not designed for it
45 [6:38 PM] Yogzototh You get like 40% of your screen occupied by the UI
46 [6:38 PM] molekel ouch ..
47 [6:38 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
48 [6:38 PM] molekel i have no better screen here ..
49 [6:38 PM] Yogzototh and thats if you disabled the unnecessary things
50 [6:39 PM] molekel the ui .. isnt the big problem ..
51 [6:39 PM] molekel but the screen borders ..
52 [6:39 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
53 [6:39 PM] Yogzototh i might be exagerrating, but it made me extremely mad after using the default engine UI
54 [6:39 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
55 [6:39 PM] [ffc]Killer see
56 [6:40 PM] [ffc]Killer i knew its anteep smurf
57 [6:40 PM] molekel i had plugged a second screen then it worked ;(
58 [6:40 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
59 [6:40 PM] molekel now it doesnt ..
60 [6:40 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
61 [6:41 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
62 [6:41 PM] molekel isnt there a console command to change resolution
63 [6:41 PM] molekel ?
64 [6:41 PM] * [ffc]Killer says RESIGN NABS
65 [6:41 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
66 [6:42 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
67 [6:42 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
68 [6:43 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
69 [6:43 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
70 [6:44 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
71 [6:44 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
72 [6:45 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
73 [6:45 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
74 [6:46 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
75 [6:46 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
76 [6:47 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
77 [6:47 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
78 [6:48 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
79 [6:48 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
80 [6:49 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
81 [6:49 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
82 [6:50 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
83 [6:50 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
84 [6:51 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
85 [6:51 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
86 [6:52 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
87 [6:52 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
88 [6:53 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
89 [6:54 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
90 [6:54 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
91 [6:55 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
92 [6:55 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
93 [6:56 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
94 [6:56 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
95 [6:57 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception)) 6 [6:57 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))
96 [6:57 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))[/quote] 7 [6:57 PM] Channel message: Nightwatch kicked zumbalina from the server (reason: Connection using proxy or VPN is not allowed! (You can ask for exception))[/quote]
97 \n 8 \n
98 TL;DR: Don't use a proxy, or ask for an exception. 9 TL;DR: Don't use a proxy, or ask for an exception.