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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
5/20/2014 3:14:47 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
5/20/2014 3:05:55 PMAUrankFirestorm_01 before revert after revert
Before After
1 Also there is question About "Attack" order. Famous A+click in Zero-K mean - "shoot derectly at his point". Why? Maybe it is better to swap "Fight" and "Attack" hotkeys. 1 Also there is question About "Attack" order. Famous A+click in Zero-K mean - "shoot derectly at his point". Why? Maybe it is better to swap "Fight" and "Attack" hotkeys.
2 "F" is "Fire that position". "A" is "Attack". Looks right as supposed. 2 "F" is "Fire that position". "A" is "Attack". Looks right as supposed.
3 I've read that it was spapped at one of the patches, but seems that it was reverted back. 3 I've read that it was swapped at one of the patches, but seems that it was reverted back.