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US Zombiegamer1#old#213415 rank

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Level 1

Brown Dwarf



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  • Player Juggler (the matchmaking system that can move you from game to game) suffers from incomplete SpringLobby support. What to do now? : Disable the system until SpringLobby support, moves are annoying
  • What operating system are you using? : Windows
  • How did you learn about Zero-K? : From magazine/blog article
  • What do you think SHOULD BE the base metal extractor sharing ratio? (overdrive still 100% shared) : 50% private, 50% shared
  • In PlanetWars, how should unit unlocks work for clan members (non-clanners have personal) : Union of Personal and PlanetWars (either one unlocks - meaning its meaningless for experienced players who have all personal unlocks - current)


First Login: 12 years ago, Last Login: 12 years ago
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