Winter Arc
BackShots Supporter
Those Who Know
cooolcat X jill
Last battles
6717 played, 9960 watched, 0 missionsB2057840 1 on Death Valley v1
B2057750 12 on Comet Catcher Remake 1.8
B2057740 6 on CrossRoads v1.0.3
B2057105 11 on All That Glitters v1.2
B2055162 2 on Intersection v4.1
B2054695 23 on StormSiege_v3
B2054680 6 on CrossRoads v1.0.3
B2054672 4 on AlienDesert
B2054447 16 on StormSiege_v3
B2054431 2 on Red Comet Remake 1.7
Posted threads
132 posts in 21 threads64-Bit Dragon Zero-K (Casting) Videos
Survival of the fittest (Bot-Challenges) [V1]
B2019386 30 on Esker Creek 1.3 (Multiplayer)
1v1 Tourney August 24th
Register thread
Radar Jammer Building
B1949122 24 on LimeQuat Republic v1.24 (Multiplayer)
B1945470 12 on The Hole v5 (Multiplayer)
What sold you on ZK?
Poll votes
- What sized teamgames do you enjoy most? : 5v5-7v7
- Would you like to replace Small Supreme Battlefield with Tangerine in the featured map pool? :
- In order to be accurate, the rating system averages the results of many games. Would you like it to put more emphasis on recent games, sacrificing accuracy but allowing for faster rank changes? : I want this poll to go away
- What would your preferred maximum match size be on the team vs. team autohosts? : I don't know
- Should PlanetWars stop until weekend? : Yes, PlanetWars should only run during weekends
First Login: 6 years ago, Last Login: 5 hours agoForum karma: +222 / -9
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