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Instructions on creating your own custom keys.

Auto grouping

Ever wished to have all fighters in group 7, all gunships in group 8, all raiders in 4 etc?
Autogroup achieves just that..

Example use:

Selection Keys

In the spring folder (windows) there is a nice little program called 'SelectionEditor.exe'. With the SelectionEditor you can create complex unit selection shortcuts to suit your playstyle. It is fairly easy to use, select a key combination and edit it or create a new one. Note that 'In view' works like 'All Map' if you zoom out, so 'In view' is far more useful. You don't want to burden your memory with tons of extremely specific selections. You are better off with a few 'In View' commands which can be intuitively customised on the fly using different views (base, frontline, zoom out to see all map).

Useful default keys:

Some ideas for useful selections:

Licho's selections:

 Control_A AllMap++_ClearSelection_SelectAll+  
 Control_B AllMap+_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander_Not_Transport_Not_Aircraft+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_C AllMap+_Commander+_ClearSelection_SelectOne+ 
 Control_E PrevSelection+_Not_RelativeHealth_30+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+ 
 Control_F AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander_Not_Transport_Aircraft_Weapons_Not_NameContain_Hawk_Not_Radar+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_G AllMap+_NameContain_Hawk+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_H AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander_Not_Transport_Aircraft_NameContain_Stiletto+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_I PrevSelection+_Idle+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_Q PrevSelection++_ClearSelection_SelectOne+
 Control_R AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_S AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Transport_Aircraft_Radar+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_T AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander_Transport_Aircraft+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_V AllMap+_Builder_Not_Building_Idle+_ClearSelection_SelectOne+
 Control_W AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander_Not_Transport_Not_Aircraft_Weapons_Not_WeaponRange_600+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_X AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Building_Not_Commander_Not_Transport_Not_Aircraft_Weapons_WeaponRange_600+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
 Control_Z AllMap+_InPrevSel+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+

Custom Keybinds

You can bind custom keys in the 'uikeys.txt' in spring folder. For those who want a quick tutorial, make sure the key you want to bind is not used (you can for example add line 'unbindkeyset ctrl+d' to the file to free the keyset ctrl + d). Then add your binding using 'bind ctrl+d selfd' for example.


Here is a copy of the detailed instructions are included in your 'uikeys.txt'.
//  Quick Notes:
//  1. The built-in default bindings are always loaded. If you wish
//     to override them, use the unbindall and unbind commands
//     to delete them at the beginning of your 'uikeys.txt'.
//  2. More then one action can be bound to a specific keyset. The
//     actions for any given keyset are tried in the order that they
//     were bound. The first currently available command that matches
//     an action is used.
//  3. As a slight modification to the above note, keysets that use
//     the 'Any' modifier are tried after those that do not use it.
//  4. A keyset using the Shift modifier should be bound with its
//     unshifted key  (ex: bind  "Shift+."  instead of  "Shift+>" )
//  Commands that can be used in this file:
//    unbindall
//    ---------
//    - removes all bindings, and adds "bind enter chat"
//      (one of the other unbind commands can get rid of that one)
//    - good for deleting the default bindings
//    keysym <name> <keycode>
//    -----------------------
//    - add a custom key symbol  (the default key symbols can not be overriden)
//    - name must start with a letter, and only contain letters, numbers, and '_'
//    - the <keycode> can be a currently recognized keysym
//      (ex:  "keysym menu 0x13F"  or  "keysym radar r")
//    keyset <name> <keyset>
//    ----------------------
//    - specifies a named keyset
//    - name must start with a letter, and only contain letters, numbers, and '_'
//    - named keysets may be accessed by prepending the '&' character to the name
//      (ex:  "keyset myKeySet Ctrl+x"  then  "bind &myKeySet myAction" )
//    fakemeta <keysym>
//    -----------------
//    - assign an auxiliary key for the Meta modifier ("space" is a good choice)
//    - use "fakemeta none" to disable this feature
//    bind <keyset> <action>
//    ----------------------
//    - appends the action to the keyset's list of actions
//    - the action can be just a command, or a command with arguments
//    unbind <keyset> <action>
//    ------------------------
//    - removes the action from the keyset's list of actions
//    - both the action and the keyset must match
//    unbindkeyset <keyset>
//    ---------------------
//    - removes all bindings that use the keyset
//    unbindaction <action>
//    ---------------------
//    - removes all bindings that use the action  (command that is, a misnomer)
//  * NOTE: These commands can also be run from the chat line in-game using
//          the slash command syntax  (/bind, /unbind, etc...)
//  Keyset Format:
//    A keyset is a combination of keys, the main key and its modifiers.
//    Here are some examples:
//      bind            a  fake_action
//      bind       Ctrl+a  fake_action
//      bind          C+a  fake_action
//      bind Ctrl+Shift+a  fake_action
//      bind          *+a  fake_action
//      bind   &my_keyset  fake_action
//    The format then goes like this:
//      [<Modifier>+]...[<Modifier>+]<keysym>
//        or
//      &<keyset_name>    (for named keysets)
//    The modifiers (and their abbreviations), are:
//      Any   (*)
//      Alt   (A)
//      Ctrl  (C)
//      Meta  (M)
//      Shift (S)
//    The special 'Any' modifier makes it so that the keyset matches
//    regardless of the current state of the real modifiers.

Example for those who don't want to search through build lists

Google Frog's uikeys:
Contains all of the most frequently built buildings and some infrequently built ones. Pressing the same key multiple times cycles through the same hotkey so they are sorted from most frequent to least frequent, this is usually smallest to largest. These take about a week to get used to but save a lot of time especially now that cons can build everything. Select AI must be unbound from ctrl-q.

unbindkeyset ctrl+q
unbindaction selectai

unbind              Any+c  controlunit
bind c capture
bind shift+c capture

bind v controlunit

unbind any+j mouse2

bind any+j jump


bind ctrl+w buildunit_cormex
bind ctrl+w areamex


bind ctrl+f buildunit_armwin
bind ctrl+f buildunit_armsolar
bind ctrl+f buildunit_armfus
bind ctrl+f buildunit_cafus
bind ctrl+f buildunit_geo

//Ground Based Air Defence

bind ctrl+e buildunit_corrl
bind ctrl+e buildunit_corrazor
bind ctrl+e buildunit_missiletower
bind ctrl+e buildunit_armcir
bind ctrl+e buildunit_corflak
bind ctrl+e buildunit_screamer

//Ground DEFENCE 

bind ctrl+q buildunit_corllt
bind ctrl+q buildunit_armdeva
bind ctrl+q buildunit_armartic
bind ctrl+q buildunit_corgrav
bind ctrl+q buildunit_armpb
bind ctrl+q buildunit_corhlt
bind ctrl+q buildunit_cordoom
bind ctrl+q buildunit_armanni

//Intel/counter intel

bind ctrl+r buildunit_corrad
bind ctrl+r buildunit_armsonar
bind ctrl+r buildunit_corjamt
bind ctrl+r buildunit_armjamt
bind ctrl+r buildunit_armarad

//nano, pylon, and storage

bind ctrl+s buildunit_armnanotc
bind ctrl+s buildunit_armestor
bind ctrl+s buildunit_armmstor

// End Keys, after building binds

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