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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.8.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1978082
Started: 7 months ago
Duration: 14 minutes
Players: 28
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 53%
XP gained: 46
RUrankmaxyo died in 14 minutes
BErankAmpul died in 14 minutes
NLrankDefecant died in 14 minutes
USrankDrascalicus died in 14 minutes
RUrank[tre]PAK died in 14 minutes
RUrankPrototypestill died in 14 minutes
USrankBrah died in 14 minutes
unknownrankKurikaktus died in 14 minutes
DErankSnowlob died in 14 minutes
BRrankRedComet died in 14 minutes
DErank2600 died in 2 minutes
ESrankjavitxup died in 14 minutes
ESrankpsp282 died in 12 minutes
RUrankSmaktun died in 11 minutes

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7 months ago
So there's an ongoing issue with Smurfs, or maybe one person making many smurfs.
It seems like there's no real solution being presented by the mod team other than waiting until they grow tired of making new accounts, or one slips under the radar.

My question however is with games such as this where a player was banned for smurfing after the fact, and they had a major impact in the game result, Shouldn't these games be No-Elo'ed?
+2 / -0
While not completely solving this problem, in my opinion having moderators in EU timezone would be a monumental help to solve this issue.
+2 / -0
7 months ago
bruh, i just trolled and that not even successful, i did not really have some impact on that game.
however a solution would be to stop harassing me for no reason and just let me collect some elos. But i dont really care, those low elo games are often super funny
Anyways i would still vote for Helwor as mod, he is super integer
+0 / -5
7 months ago
Don't really give a fuck what you think since you're the problem.
Don't care why you were banned or weather you think it was valid, you're causing issues by continuing to ban evade and you clearly don't care as long as you get to do what you want
I'm sure you think low elo games are funny because the balancer is massively in your favour every game, so you can comsnipe and do nothing else and still be infinitely better than the balancer thinks you will be.
If you don't go I'm sure others will leave to avoid you, myself included.
Or maybe I'll just make a smurf since there's seemingly no way to stop Smurfs??
+2 / -0
7 months ago

Or maybe I'll just make a smurf since there's seemingly no way to stop Smurfs??

want some tips?
+0 / -0
We are aware that there is a problem.

where a player was banned for smurfing after the fact, and they had a major impact in the game result, Shouldn't these games be No-Elo'ed?

I'll get around to that at some point. Would prefer to do it systematically in one big batch, and it wouldn't take effect until next server reset in any case.
+1 / -0
7 months ago
Is it correct that dev-mana is missing to make the whole process smoother? I mean, at a moment a smurf is banned, the battles in which he participated could be tagged automatically (for some conditions, I think above some size or above some average elo one smurf will have less impact than in a 3v3 for example).

Or do you imagine that this battle tagging needs to be done manually?
+0 / -0

7 months ago
Don't care why you were banned

Repeated teamkilling. Which is why that "stop harrassing me" is the biggest bigottry.

Also, stop the Helwor thing, yes, very integer person, and that means I am sure he would ban you as well. YOU praising him drags his good reputation into the mud.
+0 / -0

Repeated teamkilling

i like you spreading myths about me, my very best friend.
tbh it was for "harassing", rudely telling team mates their bollocks.


he would ban you

Aquanim does this too. speaking in the name of others without even asking about their opinion. are you two brothers? or a gay couple or something like this?

I never said anything bad about helwor. Just you talking shit about me doesn’t mean I am talking shit. I am honest when I say, I think he is very integer - not like you, who pretends to be upset, u know
+0 / -0
Funniest part is that your bad behavior seems to have shone through multiple alt accounts.

If you had attempted to behave better and kept a low profile nobody would've noticed, meaning only your behavior is to blame.

+2 / -0
i dont know what you mean. i think no one noticed until i said it's me. or you got replay of an example what you mean? DErankStiofanKingofAwoo

Funniest part was yet was to join a room and see Aquanim banning random new players, thinking he was me. I laughed my ass off and quietly left.
+0 / -0

7 months ago
I'm glad I don't have to check on that like admins do.

Alas, you just admited that you reveal yourself intentionally, which of course gets a smurf banned.
The good news is, if you just never reveal yourself and don't cause trouble, nobody will bother you!
You can now play the game in peace like everyone else, problem solved!
+0 / -0
exactly. did that for some time with no problems until I said who I am - didn’t except aquamin to still being a dick and keep harassing after years , no clue whats his mission it is, besides ruining games and banning random new players ofc
+0 / -0
i like you spreading myths about me, my very best friend.

Oh yeah right, you didnt do that intentionally, you just dropped coffee on your keyboard after a bird crashed into your window...

speaking in the name of others without even asking about their opinion

I used the exact same formulation than you did in that post where you mentioned Helwor for the first time. So I guess your attacks on me are just some form of projection. Or are you jealous or something?
+0 / -0

7 months ago
this is just sad.
+2 / -0
Is it correct that dev-mana is missing to make the whole process smoother?

It has never seemed like a high priority before. It won't be especially hard for me to no-elo these games, I would just prefer to do it all in one go. Since it doesn't take effect until a server restart, a few days' delay is going to make no functional difference.

I can't imagine anybody actually cares much about snoke's claims that he wasn't teamkilling, but for a sample, Multiplayer B894971 21 on AmazonDeltav20 and Bots B903608 7 on Kappa_Basin_Flooded_ZK-v07

snoke was still racking up reports on the account where he was trying to "never reveal yourself and don't cause trouble" but players who we believe to be new are extended more grace than somebody who's been abusing the community for years.
+4 / -0