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Title: TEAMS: Newbies welcome!
Host: CZrankSpringie1
Game version: Zero-K v0.9.9.5
Engine version: 85.0
Battle ID: 58222
Started: 12 years ago
Duration: 91 minutes
Players: 17
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Manual download

Team 1 Won!
Chance of victory: 67.3%
XP gained: 72
Team 2 Lost
Chance of victory: 32.7%
XP gained: 57
DErankAdminmojjj died in 29 minutes
USrankzmaster587 died in 83 minutes
CArankbrawlergunships died in 90 minutes
FIrankVarikonniemi died in 13 minutes
GBrankDessard died in 67 minutes
DErankSuperBoob died in 89 minutes
USrankandrewjayanta died in 90 minutes
ITrankGaleazzo_Mussolesi died in 89 minutes
DErankxr41 died in 90 minutes

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12 years ago
Springie1 [Galeazzo_Mussolesi]i surrender cause i found this game pathetic
[00:14] Springie1 [That80sJanitor]Gesch.
[00:14] Springie1 [That80sJanitor]That took you long enough.
[00:15] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:15] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:15] That80sJanitor Fu-cking
[00:15] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] That80sJanitor Finally.
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] That80sJanitor Too long.
[00:16] That80sJanitor Fuck this.
[00:16] * Springie1 Congratulations oXo! You just leveled up to level 3. http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/160614
[00:16] * Springie1 Congratulations Galeazzo_Mussolesi! You just leveled up to level 27. http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/214986
[00:16] * Springie1 View full battle details and demo at http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/58222
[00:16] * Springie1 changing map to Blindside_v2
[00:16] * Springie1 changing map to Albion_v1
[00:16] SuperBoob chicken win ^^
[00:16] * Springie1 20 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1504:1=1513)
[00:16] marathon !balance
[00:16] * Springie1 20 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1513:2=1504)
[00:16] loveu2 !ring
[00:16] * Springie1 ringing N0U, atom, [teh]decay,
[00:16] * N0U is not downloading map with SL torrent system
[00:16] * [teh]decay is not downloading map with SL torrent system
[00:17] * atom Map download progress: 2%, eta: 35:33
[00:17] * Springie1 19 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1498:2=1517)
[00:17] loveu2 !ring
[00:17] * Springie1 ringing atom, [teh]decay,
[00:17] * [teh]decay is not downloading map with SL torrent system
[00:17] * Springie1 Hi ldvtho (rights:1), welcome to Springie 2.2.0, automated host. For help say !help
[00:17] * atom Map download progress: 4%, eta: 37:06
[00:17] Fracont we could have end this 30 min ago
[00:17] Sortale !balance
[00:17] * Springie1 20 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1511:1=1515)
[00:18] * Springie1 19 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1498:1=1520)
[00:18] atom who resist much???
[00:18] [ACP]havoc_squad no one wanted to end it, it was such glorious enjoyment
[00:19] * Springie1 19 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1498:1=1520)
[00:19] marathon didnt really give me joy
[00:19] [ACP]havoc_squad 50% laughter, 50% sarcasm
[00:19] zmaster587 no
[00:19] atom good defense
[00:19] * Springie1 18 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1511:2=1507)
[00:19] zmaster587 50% laugther, 50% cowerds, 50% just plain sad
[00:19] atom how was???
[00:20] atom ja
[00:20] zmaster587 with a total of 150%
[00:20] marathon *sigh
[00:20] xr41 we made good def
[00:20] zmaster587 the amount of effort i should have put in
[00:20] * Springie1 18 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1511:2=1507)
[00:20] atom you was x41
[00:20] zmaster587 it helps to see the same thing everyone else does
[00:20] atom defense with penetrator
[00:20] [ACP]havoc_squad shame there wasn't what was originally in place to nuke
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What is this? Are you saying games last too long on this map? Yeah it is kind of big and silly i suppose.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Really I found most to be short. It is only 20x20 and has a clear push path in the middle.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
a really good map.

we have not many maps which use so many different terrain levels
+0 / -0
12 years ago
a flooded version would be nice.
+0 / -0