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Title: TEAMS: Newbies welcome!
Host: CZrankSpringie1
Game version: Zero-K v0.9.9.5
Engine version: 85.0
Battle ID: 58222
Started: 13 years ago
Duration: 91 minutes
Players: 17
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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13 years ago
Springie1 [Galeazzo_Mussolesi]i surrender cause i found this game pathetic
[00:14] Springie1 [That80sJanitor]Gesch.
[00:14] Springie1 [That80sJanitor]That took you long enough.
[00:15] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:15] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:15] That80sJanitor Fu-cking
[00:15] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] That80sJanitor Finally.
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] * Springie1 Game over, exiting
[00:16] That80sJanitor Too long.
[00:16] That80sJanitor Fuck this.
[00:16] * Springie1 Congratulations oXo! You just leveled up to level 3. http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/160614
[00:16] * Springie1 Congratulations Galeazzo_Mussolesi! You just leveled up to level 27. http://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/214986
[00:16] * Springie1 View full battle details and demo at http://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/58222
[00:16] * Springie1 changing map to Blindside_v2
[00:16] * Springie1 changing map to Albion_v1
[00:16] SuperBoob chicken win ^^
[00:16] * Springie1 20 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1504:1=1513)
[00:16] marathon !balance
[00:16] * Springie1 20 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1513:2=1504)
[00:16] loveu2 !ring
[00:16] * Springie1 ringing N0U, atom, [teh]decay,
[00:16] * N0U is not downloading map with SL torrent system
[00:16] * [teh]decay is not downloading map with SL torrent system
[00:17] * atom Map download progress: 2%, eta: 35:33
[00:17] * Springie1 19 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1498:2=1517)
[00:17] loveu2 !ring
[00:17] * Springie1 ringing atom, [teh]decay,
[00:17] * [teh]decay is not downloading map with SL torrent system
[00:17] * Springie1 Hi ldvtho (rights:1), welcome to Springie 2.2.0, automated host. For help say !help
[00:17] * atom Map download progress: 4%, eta: 37:06
[00:17] Fracont we could have end this 30 min ago
[00:17] Sortale !balance
[00:17] * Springie1 20 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1511:1=1515)
[00:18] * Springie1 19 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1498:1=1520)
[00:18] atom who resist much???
[00:18] [ACP]havoc_squad no one wanted to end it, it was such glorious enjoyment
[00:19] * Springie1 19 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 2=1498:1=1520)
[00:19] marathon didnt really give me joy
[00:19] [ACP]havoc_squad 50% laughter, 50% sarcasm
[00:19] zmaster587 no
[00:19] atom good defense
[00:19] * Springie1 18 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1511:2=1507)
[00:19] zmaster587 50% laugther, 50% cowerds, 50% just plain sad
[00:19] atom how was???
[00:20] atom ja
[00:20] zmaster587 with a total of 150%
[00:20] marathon *sigh
[00:20] xr41 we made good def
[00:20] zmaster587 the amount of effort i should have put in
[00:20] * Springie1 18 players balanced to 2 teams (ratings 1=1511:2=1507)
[00:20] atom you was x41
[00:20] zmaster587 it helps to see the same thing everyone else does
[00:20] atom defense with penetrator
[00:20] [ACP]havoc_squad shame there wasn't what was originally in place to nuke
+0 / -0

13 years ago
What is this? Are you saying games last too long on this map? Yeah it is kind of big and silly i suppose.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Really I found most to be short. It is only 20x20 and has a clear push path in the middle.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
a really good map.

we have not many maps which use so many different terrain levels
+0 / -0
13 years ago
a flooded version would be nice.
+0 / -0