AutoWarThanks for testing.
CAI does not support multiple coms well (it is generally unable to cope with high metal income)
I'm looking forward to other AIs supporting resignAI/multiple coms, but for now I recommend using resignAI only with zkmbai(feel free to use it with other AIs for testing purposes though).
This is 1 zkmbai + 2 resignAI vs 3 CAI:
B288701 0 on BananaValleyYour proposal of adding "intelligence" to resignAI is not what it was made for, it's supposed to be nothing more than a dirty fix to AIs not getting balanced amounts of coms like human players do in team games.
The feature could be added, but I don't see any use in it for CAI, as cai doesn't seem to coordinate its own units anyway. CAI devs (GF?) feel free to correct me*.

AnarchidI can't provide a replay yet because zkmbai is too poorly programmed to run twice.
But my objective is to make zkmbai with 2 coms better than zkmbai + cai.
Additionally, if games get bigger, adding more CAIs reduces zkmbai's income into imperceptibleness.
I'll update this as soon as I've done some tests.
After some tests with 2CAI + zkgbai vs zkmbai, even though the battles tend to go for some time, cai + zkgbai is superior, so Anarchid is most likely right with his assumption(for small amounts of CAI).
Besides that, CAI's wide range of units can help resolve some otherwise never ending battles.
* Any CAI dev replying on this thread is encouraged to fix the metal excess .