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anyone else cringe when they hear the sythe sound?

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10 years ago
now, I won't try to over state how bad the sound is, but when I hear it in makes me flinch. it's too squeaky, and while it sort of makes sense imagine hearing like 6 of those all cutting a building at once. combined with the fact you can hear units fighting from a large portion of the map...
+3 / -0
I really like the new scythe sound!

It sounds slicey!
Painfully sharp noise, like slicing metal is supposed to sound like!
I can always go "oh shit that's a scythe at my base!"
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I preferred the old hammer-on-empty-barrel sound. The new one sounds out of place somehow.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
I use pretty low ingame volume and the sound seems decent. It always manages to catch my attention. Maybe it should be less annoying when allies use Scythes though, 'cause then the warning is not needed.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
I prefer the old one so far.
+1 / -0
After some live testing i think the new one can lose some pitch (becoming slightly lower) and maybe a little of its pitch variation.

It seems generally OK (only a few people seem to hate it), but sometimes the pitch variation thing will make it too high for comfort.

Additionally, it needs more priority, because otherwise it's not always audible when there's a lot of stuff going on.

The old one was easily on top3 of most inappropriate weapon sounds in ZK. Surely, you get used to this, but when i made my first Scythe and it made the hammer-barrel sound i was like this:

+5 / -0

10 years ago
What is inappropriate?
+0 / -0
"It doesn't sound like it does look, and it does not fit what it does"
+0 / -0
10 years ago
If the scythe's glaive is made of steel that is the sound it would make when you hit another metal with it.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
No it is not steel.
It is glowing, which means it uses energy/plasma/antimater/whatever technobabble to cut through the enemy, and not some archaic metal.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
That bump sound was originally used in one unit: Razor's Kiss (now Razor). I guess it's the sound you hear when you're on a flying ship and getting hit with stuff.

Then chickens came along and were eerily silent while attacking robot bases so I added the boom to their melee attacks as a placeholder. It was the least high-tech sound I could find in the game that sounded like an impact. Then it was used in other melee stuff like Jack and Scythe.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I think it's mostly a pitch thing- everything else has a nice low pitch and then there's suddenly that really squeaky sound. lol
+1 / -0
10 years ago
This sound is quite loud from me; but the oddity comes from the fact that is not toned down by distance.
+4 / -0
10 years ago
Just steal some openly available pseudo lightsaber sound, for fucks sake.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I can't remember where the mod files are stored(they don't seem to be in the usual place), but if there's no penalty for changing the files I would just copy the old sound over- then it wouldn't bother me any more and everyone else can enjoy their new sound :)
I don't know if the client or server does a file verification though
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I'm okay with the sound except for the strange brief sound of a zipper unzipping at the very beginning.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I can't remember where the mod files are stored(they don't seem to be in the usual place), but if there's no penalty for changing the files I would just copy the old sound over- then it wouldn't bother me any more and everyone else can enjoy their new sound :)

Won't work, sorry. Your game will be unsynced. Better to resolve the issue properly by fixing the sound itself.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Won't work, sorry. Your game will be unsynced. Better to resolve the issue properly by fixing the sound itself.

A while back I was messing around with textures and replaced some without desyncing. I don't see why sounds would be different.
+0 / -0
there you go.

That probably does little about the sound not fading, but i suspect that's a feature because you need to know when there are scythes a scythin.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
I can't fix the sound it's self as that would mean changing it for everyone else.
it's not something that has to be changed, it's just somewhat unpleasent
+0 / -0