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new comm weapon balance

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13 years ago
Assault Cannon: Clearly, assaults aren't exactly known for their weapons. Being poor against fast units would be fine, though, if the DPS were more than most weapons. I think the damage should increase to 400 or more (currently 250), making it at least 200 DPS (currently 125, lolwut?).

Missile Launcher: Range is nice, always hitting is nice, but this has the slasher problem of dealing ridiculously low damage for no reason. Currently takes three seconds to kill a glaive; beam laser takes a bit more than one, HMG takes like zero. 75 DPS is less than half of most comm weapons. I would increase it by about a third to 100.
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13 years ago
Want a real weapon? Equip shotgun.
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13 years ago
Ok wolus just pointed out shotgun is op right?

From what i read assault cannon does same as riot but with less aoe and slow projectile. Seems a balance issue to me.

75 dps for missile launcher is fine as long as it got same range as slashers.
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13 years ago
@Shazzeh, considering how many comm battles involve both commanders spamming MTs on the edge of each other's range, the missile launcher is actually a nice idea and provides some real variety in the weapon selection when 90% of the Comm weapons are just variations on riot weaponry that nobody uses instead of the shotty. Such a thing could be easily OP, so keeping it weak until you invest in upgrades makes sense.

I'm just peeved that the Assault Cannon ruined my artillery gear and I need to wait until I take a level before I can buy it back.
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13 years ago
Com weapons aside even, LLT/MT wars is the worst thing in ZK currently.
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13 years ago
I’m just pissed that I can’t use the riot cannon to cover my hammers from raiders until I upgrade to arty….I think that was the reason they might have changed it….I don’t really see the point in the com having an assault cannon, most of the units the com encounters are raiders or units that can easily outrange and outmaneuver the commander….. if I want an arty com, my com will be a sitting duck in the early game, since the assault cannon has no real answer to raiders

Also, simply based on the description it sounds like the com arty have been nurfed(T-T), it is now called a “light art gun”

I also wished that they made an announcement that the com weapon and add on requirements has been changed, I wasted a lot of metal for nothing simply because I did not that the riot cannon no longer changes to the arty com(even forfeited a game because of it)
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13 years ago
Well, they did announce it... but yes, more could've been done, like making it impossible to equip the artillery conversion on non-assault-cannon comms.

Iirc, the "light" refers to the fact that it has negligible blast radius. If you want something impressive you need the high caliber barrel, but that kills your R.O.F. and costs 450(!) metal.
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13 years ago
I want the com ''models'' to be more different...

Before we balance coms weapons, we need to wait for the vehicles engine fix, give hammers, and pillagers high trajectory and give the com models completely different roles.

? Give Defenders a single shot, cost only 50 metal and have 50% more range.
They would outrange Stingers :(

? Add static artillery which can't hit moving targets and have 10% more range than Stingers/Defenders.
One more unit :(

? I also want defenders to have Flail-like missles and to be AA-Only.

I think I have a really good solution for all this problems:
Give the Com the ability to make the Arty, Skirmisher and Riot unit from your starting lab.
If you have choosen Air or Gunships, add a Banshee and a Hammer to the commander build list.


The support com should NOT be a sniper -> The support com should be a BASE-COM which is specialised to take out unexpected light attacks, and repair stuff in your base.
* Because it is a base-com it would be nice to choose between build range and build speed - modules which exclude the other modules.

Who is using Strike-Coms?
Because they can't jump, get 10% less buffs than the battle com with lower survival ( less HP at each level ) and shadows got a cost buff, they are not really usefull now.
They should get up to 20% speed buff too.

But then the Jumpy-Com would be useless -> Increase the Jump rate?

And the Battle-Com is easily outranged...
But if a battle com get weapons against arty and raiders, it wouldn't be op.
In the current setup the battle com is meant to support the very front but completely useless against shadows.
Completely useless against well used EMP missles.
Completely useless against an Infiltrator-Duo.
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13 years ago
life sucks, eh?
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13 years ago
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13 years ago
Dual Sniping Support Commander is fun: High Damage Shot+ Self Cloak + Radar Jammer. It isn't effective against many types of units.

But its commander/hlt killer.
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13 years ago
I'm gana be honest, neon storm's post makes no sense to me

what I would like to see: lower the cost of com upgrades and the base costs....com's are extremely expensive...for example with half the cost of upgrading to an arty com I could plop a heavy vec factory and get a pillager, and it could do the job much better....coms have the ability to play a much bigger role in the game(they can play a much bigger role in builds, even in late/mid game), they just cost way to much. hell you could even have a building like in wc3 where u can revive you com/hero after he dies, it can cost as much as a factory
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13 years ago
Coms where made expensive on purpose because they are supposed to be nubtraps. Dunno why but devs want that seems a wasted feature to me if it stays like this.
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13 years ago
Thats the point of the com, it should and it sucks compared to same role unit. This is due newbs not happy when they fight against uber coms. Also when I started playing zk there was very popular com rush tactic eat factory and everything arround and just kill everything. You cant see HP of it you cant emp them so they there pretty OP as being newb and couldnt have such thing I wasnt happy at all. Now it is ok.
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13 years ago
Pls implement edit post thing... they were. lol
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13 years ago
I'd like to see commanders have lower inherent costs for morphing. It's fine if modules have to be more expensive, I just think it's silly that less than half the cost for level 3 is actually from modules on every single one of my commanders.
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13 years ago
Level 3 morph is expensive because weapons are powerful.

Weapons cannot cost more to offset their power because we want people to have weapons at level 1.
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13 years ago
You already pay for the weapon so i dont see the problem. Weapons at level 3 arent any more powerfull than at level 1 except if you got modules that enhance them but you gotta pay for that.

Problem with coms is they can do stuff better than any other unit can (like skirmisher with pillager range) but they are so much more expensive that even with that advantage its better to use simple spam. This moves com morph more to fun feature than a actual usefull feature.
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13 years ago
So there could very well be the option to not take a weapon at level 3, and get a discount to the morph, right?
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13 years ago
If Coms stood still, it would have Strike-Com, Recon-Com, Battle-Com and Support-Com as 4 units. Each morph of com has 4 modules, 4 weapons, 4 special weapons and 4 health increases.

The sixteen(16) Com combinations demonstrates game proof of 4 full com types simultaneously on map within one (1) player. The developers created 1 useful com that is bastardly queer and dooms future innovations and spring to a hell.
Ignorance of 4 com harmonic cubic nature indicts players as unfit to play spring.

---The Great Zero-K Prophet and Supreme Dictator of Commander Gameplay
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