The tourney has been rescheduled for next Saturday at the same time. I'm making another thread for it, as you will have to re-sign up.
+1 / -2
So is the entire thing Swiss-style like last time? The paragraph on the final round isn't clear on that.
+0 / -0
Yes. That's just to make the finals easier, instead of doing rapid 2v2 finals that I can't manage.
+0 / -1
So, it's 5 round swiss and then tiebreakers for finals, or some sort of bracketed play followed by swiss for an indeterminate number of rounds for finals?
+0 / -0
Which one? I posited two mutually exclusive options: 1. The rounds are done Swiss style, followed by any necessary tiebreaker matches (Bracketed if necessary?) 2. The rounds are bracketed, and the final round is determined by Swiss until a clear winner is found. I think you are saying #1 is the right one, I just want to confirm.
+0 / -0
"This one or this one?" Yes! The 3rd round is going to be abnoxious i can tell already! Good luck with your tourney i hope it will succeed more than the last one.
+0 / -0
quote: saw some response to the US tournament I hosted on the 1st, so there will be another tournament for the month of December (We get to have the first tourney of the month, yaaay.) Anyway, on to the technical information.
The tourney starts at 05 UTC. |
I was unable to discern the date. Dates are one thing that you need to be superclear with. If you procure an adequate image and set a date, i will newspost this on Monday, 1st December 2014. Sadly, it seems that polandballs are our hawaii shirts, so another theme is necessary. There's now a ZK organisation on Challonge. Do you want access?
+0 / -0
Anabchid, date is in the title. It can't possibly be 12th of June 2014 (uh, unless I've been super drunk or missing something for my entire life), so it'll be 6th of December 2014.  Parzival, you really need to take your time and clarify what type of tournament this is going to be. Use multiple sentences to describe how a team's opponents are picked and how teams advances. Preferably give an example for an 8-teams tournament to clear up any misunderstandings. That said, this'll be the first 2v2 tournament I'm not gonna sign up for. 06:00 is a tad too early for me. I bet that's all a conspiracy to prevent Europeans from stealing all the delicious kudos again. :D edit: Uuh come to think of it, the tournament is gonna start at 22:00 and 23:00 on Friday, 5th of December for the western half of northern America.
+1 / -0
Ok. It will be on DECEMBER 6TH. It will be held at 5 UTC (which is Noon EST). The tournament will be held in a 2v2 Swiss format. At the end we will figure out who won in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and award kudos accordingly. -----------Summary----------------------------------------------------------- It will be hosted on Dec. 6th at 5 UTC (Noon EST) It is a Swiss style tourney.
+0 / -1
Eastern Standard Time. Ha Ha Ha.
+0 / -1
 Parzival: For future reference, make sure to use "AM" or "PM", or better yet 24-hour time when speaking about UTC. 24-hour time is very common outside of North America (and even within it is what Québec uses, or at least what CBC/SRC uses in French). Saying "05 UTC" looks more like 5AM than 5PM (17:00), on account of the leading 0.
+2 / -0
Oh wait noon Eastern Standard Time? That's 17:00 UTC, update your first post! Alright, that's 18:00 for me so I'll start looking for a teammate.
+0 / -0
well, I'm confused. It says 5am for 12 am here.
+0 / -0
"12 am" is midnight though, not noon. Geez switch to a 24h clock already you honks!
+2 / -0
It is always entertaining to watch your tourney threads  Parzival :) Confusion tourney sheme continues!
+0 / -0
To be fair it's not  Parzival's fault that some stupid illogic people decided to go 12:00am (midnight), ..., 12:59am, 1:00am, ..., 11:59am, 12:00pm (noon), ..., 12:59pm, 1:00pm, ..., 11:59pm, repeat.
+0 / -0
Just make the 1st post say 17 UTC instead of 05 UTC and it's all good.
+0 / -0