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ZK 1v1 Tournament March 28th 2015

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The March tournament is scheduled to take place on the 28th day of March, at 10:00 (10 AM) UTC. Registration will close on March 27th, at 23:59 UTC.

Tournament format & rules:
- Double elimination (!)
- Random seeding
- First map of each round is predetermined, the following maps in the winners bracket will be selected by the loser of the previous game from the featured 1v1 map pool.
- All winners bracket games will be best of 3 (including finals). All losers bracket games will be best of 1 with the exception of the losers finals (bo3).

It is possible to substitute for players who don't show up. If you have signed up, make sure to show up on time. Those who fail to show up will likely be subbed out by 10:30 UTC.

The players coming first, second and third will receive special unique collectible awards to their player profile, and receive tournament points which will at the year's end determine the year's altogether best tournament player. Points standings will be posted soon after the conclusion of this upcoming tournament.

First Maps of each round are as follows:
Round 1

Round 2 & Losers round 1
Battle for PlanetXVII-v01

Round 3 & Losers round 2

Winners Semifinals & Losers round 3

Losers round 4
Into Battle_v3

Losers finals (titled "Semifinals" in the losers bracket)


Current bracket can be seen here.

Sign ups are closed.
+9 / -0

9 years ago
I'm in.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I'm not.
+2 / -0

- Double elimination (!)
- Random seeding

(Can't figure out how to hotlink this one)
+0 / -0

9 years ago
+1 / -0
Deadline is on 27th 23:59 I suppose?
Also, how are finals handled with double elimination? Does the guy from the winners bracket get another BO3 if he loses?
+0 / -0
- Double elimination (!)


- Random seeding

In combination with the above, that should hopefully be a workable compromise for previous complaints.

All losers bracket games will be best of 1.

Interesting. I still think Bo3 losers' would be fine for time, but I understand the concern motivating this. It seems a reasonable starting point for the first double elimination tournament, as lack of experience will probably slow things down a bit. Everyone gets 3 guaranteed games, rather than 4 with Bo3 losers' or 2 in single elimination.

Also, how are finals handled with double elimination? Does the guy from the winners bracket get another BO3 if he loses?

Typically yes. The idea being that no one is eliminated until they have lost two sets.

Also I will be casting as usual. NLrank[XIV]Floris might not? Not sure about AUrankAdminSaktoth. Not sure if USrankkaen wants to get in on this.

USrankkaen, right-click the image, copy link, use the [ img ] tag.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I don't think I'll be able to play this time around I'm sorry to say. I might, however, spectate for a while and possibly stink up CArankAdminShadowfury333's channel with random chat messages.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
QAranknorm0616: Make sure they are truly random. I don't want any pseudorandom nonsense.
+1 / -0
For those wondering what exactly double elimination is going to look like, here's an empty bracket with 8 players (click for a slightly bigger image):

+0 / -0

Not sure if USrankkaen wants to get in on this.

I 100% want to get in on this. I'm torn between playing or commentating though. I'm not sure that I could usefully commentate after playing in the tourny (at 2AM) because zk is very mentally exhausting for me.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I might be able to play. Do you still take maybe teams?
+0 / -0
Deadline is on 27th 23:59 I suppose?

Yes. Added that as well as the link to the bracket to the OP.

Do you still take maybe teams?

Yes. Added you for now.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
why you didn't add me
+0 / -0

9 years ago

Somebody took the "give losers a chance" threads serously!
+2 / -0

9 years ago
+0 / -0

9 years ago
No, i won't be available for playing nor casting. :(
+0 / -0
I'm in.
I was also thinking of streaming a first person view of it while I play, so if you have any tips on that I'd appreciate them, I'm planning on using OBS and Twitch currently. I'm not sure on the quality of the stream since I might have people watching me from behind while I play, and since they don't know spring at all I'll probably be explaining ZK to them as I go. I was planning on showing the stream to a bunch of people that I know online that were curious about spring, so it would help if I'm overly verbose about how the game works. I'm just worried that I'll only be able to stream 3 rounds with how high-level the competition is so far.
Here's hoping that I can convince some people to join spring.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Could I please be put down as a solid maybe?

I love the double elim btw, tournament placing no longer feels quite so... predetermined?
+0 / -0
@Anarchblah1: Send me a PM next time you see me in ZKLobby, it will be a lot easier to help you there, since I don't know your environment, equipment, or experience commentating.

Also, if you are explaining ZK and Spring to people actually behind you asking questions, that would probably be loads more helpful than any tutorial I'd produce by just thinking about it. That might actually provide really good material for a brief basics-of-ZK/ZK FAQ tutorial video. Would have to wait on economy tutorial (clip filming half done, planning to finish it tomorrow evening, editing and recording not started but the script should give enough direction for that to be very straightforward), but I'm hoping to have that done before the tournament anyway (no promises).
+0 / -0
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