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sometimes air are useless. gunships is more useless in normal mach

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9 years ago
any ground unit can do damage against air. stardust, even zeus can do it. so why we need AA in first place.

this is cruel, even peneltrator make short work against krow. while crow cost 4500 metal, pene cost 1000 each. 2-3 pene kill krow.

air iz zo suk
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Even more funny: If you build 4500 metal of heavy laser turrets, 2-3 pene will kill that really easily too.

pene kills anything slow/stationary.
+0 / -0
Planes have incredible mobility, they are not really supposed to do that well flying straight into heavily defended areas. Just go around, strike where the enemy is weaker and you'll find both planes and gunships can be very powerful.
+0 / -0
My guess is this is coming from one of those people who keep building planes after the enemy has 4.5 - 9k in AA and based solely on this. Planes and GS in team games are awesome in the early game. Swifts can harass enemy workers or if you're really lucky you can get a com kill with swifts (I've done it before. Having 7-8 swifts in your face early on can wipe you off the face of the game). For GS the equivilant is gnats + banshees. However, GUNSHIPS SHOULD ONLY BE PLAYED ON SMALL MAPS. Most of the units are rather slow.

Most gunships are terrible flying into heavy aa. Only Krow should be used to fly into heavier AA. Even at that, you shouldn't suicide into AA you know you can't kill. EG: Screamer. Weaken it with blast[swings[/s]shits before you try to take it out.

Planes on the other hand suffer immensely when you start getting screamers out in the field. At that time it's time to cut your losses, reclaim your planes and your factory and invest into ground troops.

A really nasty trick in team games is to build some planes, if the enemy has no air, let them invest heavily into AA while you switch off to ground.

As for GS, don't go GS on large maps. Period. Unless its for lulzy tactics like scallOP drOPs or ship drops.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
Sometimes ground units and ships are also useless.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
But at least there's laughs to be had with ships on land. If only there was a way to have semi-mobile ships on land. Sigh.

If ground units and ship trolling fails, go for superweapons or eco.
+0 / -0
If only there was a way to have semi-mobile ships on land

and then, again, there was newton.

woah! i just figured out another valid use case for sumo!
+1 / -0
9 years ago
SupCom FAF has this destroyer that can walk onto land. Its pretty handy considering that they act as very sturdy mobile semi arty assaults.
+0 / -0
woah! i just figured out another valid use case for sumo!

Excellent work. You've earned yourself the medal of trollsomeness.

+3 / -0

9 years ago
I go gunships in every 1v1 or 2v2 that I play, you must be talking about 10v10 clusterfuck games
+0 / -0
You must be spamming the wrong units, IDrankhellatze.

Start spamming Rapiers! They've been incredibly powerful and spammable a year ago. Since then I only remember three huuuuge buffs (first when gunship overhaul happened, second overpowered missile update, third a damage buff nobody asked for) and only two small nerfs (one after overhaul, second was engine-caused).

Just make sure not to suicide them, play safe, to use their extreme mobility and know that they are an extremely snowbally unit against air, PROVIDED you have enough Rapiers - otherwise they die like flies. Oh and stay away from aoe weapons when your swarm is clustered.

For early game you can scout with two Blastwings. If you're unlucky they'll be shut down by fighters dealing no damage (you lost 110m), if you're lucky you will scout 2+ enemy factories and destroy a couple windgens, or at least close a few solars. You also have the potential to scout (and instantly counter) a raider rush. Remember to set them to Hold fire to prevent them from suiciding on lone units and manually selfD them (take your delay and their flight speed into account).

For midgame you can use Brawlers as allterrain-artillery. Just kill all defenses except for 1k+ range-AA and Anni/DDM from a distance. If you can, place it on a mountain for safety and a range bonus. The unit has enough HP to tank a few shots - it might be the artillery unit with the highest survivability. Anyway, make sure to repair it afterwards.

Valkyries are another nice mid-lategame unit. Especially if enemies are distracted, didn't invest enough into AA and/or have their fighters out of place. Just drop a high-dps unit into enemy eco. Riots are probably the most common.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
ok, i will adapt the strategy.
+0 / -0