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Zero-K Zenith and Circle Guard

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9 years ago

Inspiration hit to both create Circle Guard and make Zenith !Fun!. Circle Guard tells units to walk around their target in a protective manner. Zenith now captures and stores meteors to be released all at once in a devastating volley.

Dynamic tooltips (ones that change while the unit is selected) have been improved and the annoying chat backlog spacing bug has been fixed.


  • Meteor Nudger -> Meteor Controller.
Now that Zenith is no longer boring it will be worthwhile putting the effort in to make all three superweapons approximately balanced.

Circle Guard

The circle guard command causes units to circle defensively around their target. To issue one, select the guard command then left click on the target unit and drag a circle. Hold Alt to make the units defend a direction instead of circling. There are other modifiers which will be shown off in a video in the near future.


  • Terraform cost tooltip updates without reselecting the unit.
  • Improved the clarity of grid tooltips.
  • Unbound FPS mode (Alt+V).
  • Added key and mouse state display widget. Intended for tutorial videos.
  • Area Guard commands which includes teleport beacons will not give guard commands to units. Instead it will tell the units to teleport, split between the beacons in the area.
  • Teleport beacons can be placed with custom formations.


  • Removed TargetMoveError from Commander Lightning, this was the last case.
  • Annihilator etc.. no longer have a low power icon while under construction.
  • Fixed lagmoniter setting share levels incorrectly.
  • Fixed chat backlog spacing bug when the panel is first opened.
  • Fixed waited constructors thinking that they are constructing.
  • Fixed edge case in spectator panel.
  • NullAI is now treated like a real person.
+20 / -0

9 years ago
Lol, the new Zenith..
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Annihilator etc.. no longer have a low power icon while under construction.

would be best if they showed power icon if nanoframe isnt connected.
+7 / -0

9 years ago
very excite for the new guard changes - striders, trollcoms and shieldballs just got a fat upgrade!
+1 / -0
* Meteor Nudger -> Meteor Controller.
Now that Zenith is no longer boring it will be worthwhile putting the effort in to make all three superweapons approximately balanced.

How long does it take to kill a detri from full health?

Can't play ZK in the next few days so can't check that myself.

* NullAI is now treated like a real person.

Goddamn it, roboemancipation is upon us. I bet in 100 years there will be NullAI quotas in all ladders.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
What is that map...?
+0 / -0
It was Comet Catcher Redux before he built the Zenith.
+5 / -0

9 years ago
How long does it kill a detri from full health?
About 5 seconds. Provided you have about 250 meteors stored. Which take about 3 minutes to gather. The claim wasn't balance, it was non-boringness.

Now that it has burst it is not necessarily a worse Starlight. That means it could do some things better. For example it can already piece a ridiculous number of shields at full charge.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
About 5 seconds. Provided you have about 250 meteors stored

... and the target is static. Moving detriment takes about 400 meteors.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I tested moving. Static Det took about 50 less. There is no hard cutoff though because meteor spread is a bit chaotic. Each meteor deals 1k damage so if they were perfectly accurate you would only need 86.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Wow, devs have really been pushing these updates. We appreciate your work!
+9 / -0

9 years ago
Hm, I just tried with 350 meteors and it didn't even take the stationary det to half health.

Also, I can't get circle guard to work. If I release LMB on the target unit, then moving the mouse in a circle has no effect (how should it). If I draw the circle while holding down LMB, it only matters which unit the LMB goes up over (and works like normal guard).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Got a screenshot of the Zenith location and target? Perhaps at really long range the hit area is smeared out.

I'll make a video for circle guard.
+1 / -0

What is this? "!FUN!" doesnt describe this. Exciting, new and (potentially) loads of fun does! Might be worthwhile to try out once I get my stuff taken care of.

Please keep adding more fun stuff to the game!

+3 / -0
9 years ago
* Annihilator etc.. no longer have a low power icon while under construction.

Finally removed this fucking sign, which made me ireful (blocked ETA display).
+1 / -2

9 years ago
Circle Guard video is up:
+8 / -0

9 years ago
holy shit! viva la circles!
+3 / -0
So there's no modifiers to get circle guard... does this mean we'll never get multi-unit-guard where I can order a unit to guard multiple units? Because that would be my intuitive expectation of "guard-drag" behavior, since that's what reclaim-drag and repair-drag and attack-drag does.

Not that I'm complaining, this looks like a fantastic feature and I can't wait to try it out.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
CArankPxtl: So there's no modifiers to get circle guard

It can still happen if you don't center the circle on a unit.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Yeah, I saw that in the vid. I'm meaning the reverse situation - G-drag is now "circle-guard" which would be unfortunate if somebody implemented "group guard" and they couldn't use G-drag for that, and "group guard" is the most obvious action for G-drag.

Probably just being silly nitpicking - it's a cool new feature, and I haven't sat down and decided to implement a "group guard" myself so I should probably shut up.
+0 / -0
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