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modding Areamex command to build llt near each mex

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9 years ago
I would like to mod the areamex command to build llt near each mex, has anyone done anything similar to this?
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Not to my knowledge, but something similar has been suggested for Solars which would be much more useful. One LLT per mex can be too much on many maps and positioning is very important for LLTs so relying on a simple script could be a bad idea.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Skasi CArankStumi I have a WIP widget that does that effect.

I'll throw it together tonight and stick it on the forums with a link for this topic.

It's logic will be "if mex complete == my mex then, identify parent builder, insert build order for LLT at (mex.x-whatever, mex.y, mex.z) into parent's front of order queue"

+0 / -0
Would be better to just mod main area-mex to add the things, with modifiers.

Edit: made PR, if everything goes through unmodified then the modifiers to area-mex will be:
* ctrl - add solars, the same as ctrl+clicking the mex
* alt - add llt
+6 / -0
Widget complete! Download here:

Automates constructors that build a mex to include an LLT, radar, windgen, (and if sea) urchin, while preserving their existing queue.

EDIT: fixed an issue where the order queue behavior was wonky.
+0 / -0
This is the fifth time we've implemented an economy AI in a widget, and we're getting increasingly good at it

+0 / -0

9 years ago
The people who would call area-solar command an AI.
+2 / -0

9 years ago
The people who would call area-solar command an AI.

I was merely extrapolating from this:
Automates constructors that build a mex to include an LLT, radar, windgen, (and if sea) urchin, while preserving their existing queue.

Next logical thing is to only built LLT per cluster in the optimal spot to protect the whole cluster; only build radar when close to edge of radar coverage or outside radar coverage; optimize to spread expansion paths ~~~
+0 / -0
9 years ago
* ctrl - add solars, the same as ctrl+clicking the mex

Four solars sounds a bit much though. Personally I'd ever only want 1-2.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
Personally i stand for keeping all the energy at the home base.
I'll make that next: a widget to automate the creation of a grid of solars or wind that reacts to energy demand.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Stuff like this makes me wonder if some people would find it more enjoyable to design new CAI's than actually playing.

LLTs are a tiny APM investment. Unlike a mobile unit they're a one time expenditure. You could queue up a lotus next to every mex on your side of the map in less than ten seconds (unless it's really big). Even better, you could place them in all relevant chokes in less than five, saving you hundreds if not thousands of metal while also having a stronger defense.

Singular LLTs are rendered redundant very quickly by the scale of economies. They will not make cost vs. grouped raiders because grouped raiders benefit from Lanchester's law. If you want to make defenses you need to put thought into their placement by taking advantage of chokes and high priority locations to clump them, preserving their value by benefiting equally from Lanchestering. Saturating your entire territory in light turrets defends precisely zero of your territory adequately, while also slowing the rate at which you acquire additional territory.
+0 / -0
LLTs are a tiny APM investment.

For you.

I'm obsessed with automating away things such as that because my real APM is around 20-30, while my total CPM is somewhere around 90-150.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
No, not just for me. Objectively. You can make 100 LLTs with C -> W -> shiftclick -> drag -> click. A single LLT is C-W-click, and if you make them often enough this feels like one action, taking a fraction of a second (I'm still sluggish on defenses, but mex, solar, and wind gens all look like this for me).

This time and effort pales in comparison to the costs of a sub-optimal lotus automisation.

You keep making this distinction between yourself and other players, as you being too slow to perform without automisation. I think you wrong in this assessment. I think this game can be played effectively with an action every two seconds --- actually that could be interesting to test. There's a key-press detector in the widget list, I could set up a metronome to 30 BPM and play people, then post FPVOD as proof of actions. Hmmm...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
After some input from the devs the PR now only contains solars around each mex.

It can be queued on existing mexes so it provides a very cheap (APM-wise) way to make sure the chosen mexes have a basic, efficient OD for the mid/late-game. The main use case would be gridding your existing mexes, not expansion.

1 solar is also something to consider because it goes much better with expansion but on the other hand this means either the gridding feature is pretty weak (if used in place of 4) or that we waste a hotkey (because 1 and 4 don't have much option of being combined together in a sensible way).
+0 / -0