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ZK Graph-Based AI (ZKGBAI)

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ZK Graph-Based AI is an advanced AI designed to teach good playing habits and punish bad ones. While it was originally designed with 1v1 in mind it can now also play teams by merging AI instances together. ZKGBAI is a rather high-difficulty AI, it easily stomps the CAI and even beats circuit most of the time on most maps. Like circuit ZKGBAI is designed to use most of the units in the game, although there are some factories that it currently does not play that circuit does (jumps) and others that ZKGBAI does that circuit does not (shields). Currently it is not capable of playing water maps meaningfully.

You can download the latest version either from the github releases page or from springfiles.

ZKGBAI is written in Java, and you must have Java installed in order to use it.

Linux: Requires 64 bit java
Windows: Requires 32 bit java (may be called i86 or x86, but it's the one that isn't "64")


ZKGBAI is compressed using 7-zip like many files that spring uses, so you need an appropriate 7-zip decoder to open it:
Windows: http://www.7-zip.org/
Linux: check your package repository for "7z".

Open the archive and extract the ZKGBAI folder, then copy it to:

and restart your lobby. You must untick the "simplified AI list" option in lobby settings and it should appear in the AI list as "ZKGBAI".
+23 / -0
9 years ago
Sounds like it can easily stomp newbies :)
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Now it spams defenders more efficiently

Sounds dangerous. Good job!
+2 / -0

9 years ago
Sounds good. Does it consistently beat other AIs? Can I pass the mantle of maintaining the inbuilt ZK AI to someone else? Does anyone know if there is a way to put AI in the ZKL packages?

Also I am surprised at the name, I thought it was the Great Britain AI (to mirror The Great Britain Clan).
+3 / -0

9 years ago
In tests vs the CAI it dominates consistently. Outexpands, outraids, outmobs, etc. Preliminary tests vs circuit show similar results. Circuit keeps up ecowise for a while, then gets raided and mobbed to death.

That said it doesn't yet play every fac so there aren't too many surprises.

Adding it to ZK shouldn't be difficult. It just needs to find its way into the appropriate AI directory, or equivalent thereof. I don't know how 'ZK' ais are differentiated from 'spring' ais though. I kind of like having the CAI to compete against though. :P
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Exciting, it is nice that we have at least three working AI's now. We could call them "easy" (CAI), "medium" ( Circuit) and "hard" (ZKGBAI). And maybe attribute to them estimated elo values.
(As skasi suggested)
+2 / -0
IMO, Circuit is still closer to replace CAI, given its ability to play on all maps. An 'inbuilt ai' needs that.

An inbuilt AI should also have an ability to lose the window. I guess it can be a compile time parameter, but the proper way is supporting AIOptions in the lobby.
+0 / -0
Does anyone know if there is a way to put AI in the ZKL packages?

Random thought:
Where from ZKL downloads engine? If it's custom modification (for some reason it misses spring-headless.exe, so i guess it's not from official https://springrts.com/dl/buildbot/default/master/100.0/win32/) then bundle AIs in that archive?

Don't kill CAI please, none of the AI is ready to replace CAI (synced AI doesn't have ping lags, and CAI has less fatal errors).
+0 / -0
Under no circumstances should CAI be discontinued :(

Good single player requires more than 1 type of AI. If we are going to have a good coop mode, the dream would be to package all 3 AIs with ZK releases.

"medium" ( Circuit)

I dont know man, once circuit is able to attack the flanking behavior will be lethal..
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Hence the quotes. Toggling certain strategic options could diversify one AI intoseveral difficulty levels. Something like an elo rate could be used to quantify this.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
that name brought me this to mind.

GBrankTheEloIsALie will find the source for you.
+17 / -0
9 years ago

I can't make the ZKGBAI work. I get a crash each time while initializing the AI:

[f=0000000] Loading Skirmish AIs
[f=0000000] Error: Initializing AI Interface library from file "C:\Users\Sébastien\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0\AI\Interfaces\Java\0.1\AIInterface.dll". The call to initStatic() returned unsuccessfuly.
[f=0000000] Error: Spring 100.0 has crashed

Anyone know how to make it work ?

+0 / -0

9 years ago
FRrankSeb222 Do you have java installed? Since spring crashed I'm guessing it most likely didn't find java, although I can't say for certain.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I had java but it was a old version and not always activated.
It is working now with last version.
Thanks very much !
+0 / -0

9 years ago
One thing I think you would get a large competitive performance increase from is when issuing orders to a group of units (eg. an attacking group of Zeus), to order them to move into a spread out pattern with 50 spacing (prefferably a line perpendicular to the direction of movement but other spreads would be fine) on the central point rather than all be directed to bunch around a single point. Zeus have a small hitbox relative to their size and compact into very tight groups that really eat AoE.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Getting them to spread out in a sensible way is something I've been thinking about how to do. It's possible, but implementing it is a bit tricky.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
I'm finally officially releasing an 0.4 build, however with a minor version bump to 0.4.1 to distinguish it from the tournament version.

0.4 brings some radical changes and a lot of new stuff:
-Threat pathing and intelligent raiding. (can this mob of glaives kill that llt or not?)
-Improved squad handling and target selection.
-Refined eco that doesn't lose ground as easily and avoids estall more aggresively.
-Defender spam toned down considerably, now produces more units instead.
-Escalates faster to air and striders.

0.4.1 adds a few more things:
-Tons of bugfixes since the tournament version. Lots of things that would cause it to go comatose no longer occur, and it's also more tolerant of dropped packets.
-Support for sappers (roaches, ticks, etc) implemented. It puts them where the enemy is more or less likely to step over them, and also uses blastwings as landmines.
-Support for shieldfac. I think it plays shields roughly as well as it plays cloaky now, and uses every unit appropriately (I think anyway).

For comparison, 0.2 could kill the CAI consistently in roughly 30 mins on eye of horus. 0.3 could kill the CAI in roughly 20 minutes give or take, and 0.4.1 can kill it in usually under 18 minutes (with cloaky at least) and can kill two CAIs on CCR or archers valley with about a 50% even win rate.

Download here.
+9 / -0

9 years ago
Can you please make releases on https://github.com/Anarchid/zkgbai/ (or whatever repo you use officially) and upload 7zs there? Keep the old ones too!
The 0.4 link you had in the tourney thread is dead now and this complicates botrunner work :P
+0 / -0

9 years ago
-Support for sappers (roaches, ticks, etc) implemented. It puts them where the enemy is more or less likely to step over them, and also uses blastwings as landmines.
-Support for shieldfac. I think it plays shields roughly as well as it plays cloaky now, and uses every unit appropriately (I think anyway).

+0 / -2

9 years ago
JPrankgajop https://github.com/Anarchid/zkgbai/tree/master/Stable%20Releases :P
+0 / -0
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