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unable to connect to lobby

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9 years ago
when opening zero-k on the bottom it says:

disconnected due to network problem, autoconnecting..

this message would not dissappear.

i checked in the lobby log:

1/23/2016 4:47:11 PM: ZkData.TcpTransport socket disconnected: The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call
1/23/2016 4:47:11 PM: Connection lost
1/23/2016 4:47:11 PM: Closing current battle
i have posted this problem before, the only answer was an alternative lobby, where hosting battles was not possible.

+0 / -0
You can open a private room manually by messaging a springie with
!spawn mod=zk:stable,title=Tuna of Space
+0 / -0
9 years ago
There is not much else to be done than was written in the last thread. The bug with the socket thing is reported here: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K-Infrastructure/issues/887 so if it is fixed, you could find out by
checking there. The latest post i read on lobby development in general was this one: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/9877?postID=149948#149948 ,which makes me unsure if devs have noticed the bug reports yet, if they think only "visual tweaks" are needed.
Maybe you can give some info that helps fix it faster.
Like which operation system do you use?
In meantime you can use weblobby and type that commands stuff into chat. Not userfriendly, but appearently only way at the moment.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
and i think with the alternate lobby (weblobby) you have to check if you are connecting to right server-adress, because on other server there are no springie autohosts and typing those command does nothing..
+0 / -0
9 years ago
what is the actual socket problem? most socket issues are unbelievably easy to fix, its not like its a complicated protocol, its how the whole internet works.
+1 / -0
Watafuck are u talking about, one of the stacktraces from ur link has THIS

>> 12/8/2015 9:51:26 PM: voice synthetizer failed: System.PlatformNotSupportedException: No voice installed on the system or none available with the current security setting.

Now the question, what the voice synthetizer(!?!?!?!) has to do with THE LOBBY? WTF?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Voice is used for TTS. It's a crucial feature.
+0 / -0
Wut? TTS inside lobby?... wtf...

There is a principle in software development to reduce dependencies from external libraries/components/whatever when possible, i.e. decision to include something should be enough motivated and bring sufficient benefits
Those who break this rule and include random shit to satisfy 0.01% minority get punished hard
+3 / -0

9 years ago
include random shit to satisfy 0.01% minority

But this is the main principle behind anything that happens to ZKL.

ZKL features:
☑ voice synthesizer
☑ unicode selector
☑ text colour editor
☑ "defocus chatlines"
☐ matchmaker
☐ local skirmish
☐ GUI for all !commands
☐ local replays
+6 / -0
9 years ago

ZKL features:
☑ voice synthesizer
☑ unicode selector
☑ text colour editor
☑ "defocus chatlines"
☐ matchmaker
☐ local skirmish
☐ GUI for all !commands
☐ local replays

I find it funny that we have all the extras, but no essentials
+1 / -0
well, to be fair, zkl had matchmaking

until people bawwwwwwed about it too much

also (so far as I can tell) you can navigate to a replay file and open it using Spring without going through lobby at all (should this be done through lobby as well for the steam plebs who cannot into file directories? yeah, probably)

a nicer gui for the useful !commands would be good though
+1 / -0
There is a local replay and local skirmish feature, it's just buried a bit in ZKL. Settings->Skirmisher(->Local Replay).

That it's fairly hidden is pretty indicative of the bigger issue of UI design, since it's a fairly recent feature it got stuffed in where there was room, rather than where it would be most useful (i.e. as part of a broader (and probably local/offline) Singleplayer section).
+0 / -0
9 years ago
There was nothing wrong with the match making, the problem was that it was compulsory, you couldn't just go into a room and ready up like any other game, you would get split up and moved around somewhere you didn't want to be.

Zero-k has never had the playerbase to make match making worthwhile.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
like how this post just went miles off topic.....

anyways, the new update fixed the problem somehow.
+3 / -0