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Upgradable faactory.

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8 years ago
What about possibility to upgrade factory?
Upgrade so factory get light weapon (for raider defence), upgrade its buildpower and add some options like cloaker field or just radar jamming. How sound this idea? I would be nightmaer or new interesting game option?
+2 / -0
What about possibility to upgrade factory?

Already exists.

Upgrade so factory get light weapon (for raider defence)

upgrade its buildpower

and add some options like cloaker field or just radar jamming.

How sound this idea? I would be nightmaer or new interesting game option?

Great idea!
+10 / -0
These buildings have less hp then factory. And these upgrades can cost different price.
+0 / -0
These buildings have less hp then factory.

Actually that's a feature. If you want more HP you can swap them out for another version:
There's also silly things like terraform to "change HP".

Merging LLT and factory (or mex) would make it impossible for raiders and repairs to prioritize one target over the other and reduce the number of meaningful decisions.

That said, have you already seen the "Neon: Minor Abilities for Factories" forum thread? I think it could be very interesting to you.
+2 / -0
8 years ago
yes, but that switch is not longer viable. Now it sounds more like: <<Want a expensive piece of brick that cannot kill a flea while unpowered and cannot also close while taking enemy fire, when there's a cheaph thing called offender that can also hit planes? Oh and yes, LLT works against fleas>>
+0 / -0
8 years ago
This is probably a really silly idea, but how about upgrade to make a factory mobile?
+0 / -0
Or flying. Or jumping. or crawling. or.... Uh also we lack mobile factories. Intended as giga-mobile fortress that pump outs units in battle (something different from athenas, coms and dronespammers)
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Jammer does not cloak buildings, only units.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Jammer does not cloak buildings, only units.

Jammer does not cloak anything, it jams radar.
Cloaker does cloak and yes, only units.
+1 / -0
Units and Sneaky Peet!
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Sorry, got my terms mixed up XP
+0 / -0
8 years ago
What about not merging, but making a destructible module instead? It will still be targetable, but will have an advantage of being already elevated without spending on terra or occupying a constructor which is very important at the start of a game or when your fac gets attacked with no con around.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Also sorry for my corrupted code Senaven, it boosts creative thought but sadly also grants a dyslexia.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Actually factories having some uniqueness according to their nacure would be nice.

I mean, hover fac can be placed anywhere, both sea and land, just like hovers act. The same with amphib fac. Spiders fac could possibly be placed without restrictions to terrain, HV fac could be more tank (either more HP, or a little turret included, cuz its pain in the ass to defend it with single LLT, as its bigger than the rest of facs). Planes fac could float in the air, and so on.
+0 / -0
This video fits here
[video] [/video]
+1 / -0