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Dev forum

14 posts, 967 views
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8 years ago
Can we have a forum to discuss dev, for people who are interested in developing things for zero-k. There is a lot of information available on Springrts but a lot of it is also out of date or aimed for seasoned devs. To new devs the docs can be quite unclear. This could be a forum where experienced devs can answer questions and help out.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
We have one, it's just not used much.

+2 / -0
8 years ago
Thanks Stuart98, and also to the other 97 Stuarts who came before you.

+3 / -0
8 years ago
We have one, it's just not used much.
Problem is not the activity level,but that it is unmoderated spamforum and most of the threads have little to do with development and are more about balance/gameplay/which unit should get slowdamage/badmins/dream-threads what wonder will bring the million players.

zK dev forum is has no means to upload attachments and randomly completly breaks when posts contain logfiles or code and code tags can break when they contain code. Search-function is unusuable.
Forum is like writing with sharp pencil on toilet paper: It breaks and then it is never seen again.

springrts forum is normal boring phpbb forum which can fullfil basic forum functions.
a lot of information available on Springrts but a lot of it is also out of date
Historic reasons. There was a "archive"-style subforum: old stickied thread that were no longer needed were move there https://springrts.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=67&t=23495#p483924
(One might wonder why such a archive-trashbin is even nessecary, (usually it would be enought to simply unsticky unneeded stickied thread, and by nature of thread sorting they would disappear) but for 'reasons' was seen as good idea/nessecary)
Eventually the archive/trashbin got relabeld to "Game Development Tutorials & Resources" but of course the content stayed the same old outdated stuff.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
    -- find a value in a list
    local found = nil
    for i=1,a.n do
      if a[i] == value then
        found = i      -- save value of `i'

+0 / -0
Stop hating on the search option already DErank[2up]knorke, it's the only good thing about this forum.

The issues with the development subforum can easily be solved by admins moving threads to the proper subforum. Simply find all the threads that don't belong into development and move them to general discussion or wherever.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Unless you're doing some deeply ZK-specific development, you should be able to rely on SpringRTS forums and wiki for the most part of game and map development.

There is a lot of information available on Springrts but a lot of it is also out of date or aimed for seasoned devs. To new devs the docs can be quite unclear.

Can you specify what you think is outdated and what is unclear for new devs? We'd certainly like to improve the docs and are working on that continuously.

This could be a forum where experienced devs can answer questions and help out.

SpringRTS is already that. It has a lot more active developers in total (part because a lot of people from ZK occasionally visit it), and in my opinion people would often get their questions answered in detail.

PS: I've nothing against ZK (dev) forums, but just think that documentation for a software (SpringRTS) is the responsibility of the same project and should be done on that software's website/wiki.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
You'll get the productive discussions from Github issues, PRs, and #zkdev in the lobby. Otherwise it's a crapshoot.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The development forum is not meant for developers to talk to each other. GitHub is better for Zero-K development and the Spring forums are better for anything more general. However, the development subforum does fulfill the requirements of the OP. People interested in developing can post there before moving to GitHub for more focused discussion about particular changes.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I do not see how the search is "good."
Let's say you want to find all posts where DErank[2up]knorke complains about the search.
So you put Filter:"search" and Player:"[2up]knorke"
(Beside this thread) The first result is http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/6942?page=6
Now page=6 seems a bit inaccurate result, but it does not matter anyway because despite the ?page=6 you land at first page of the thread because that is how forum do.
So you manually go to page 6 to read that [2up]knorke's post about 'search.' On page 6 is indeed a post by that user, but it is not about 'search.' A bit further down is a post by user RUrankivand that contains 'search'. Aha?

In normal forums the search-results get 'cropped' to include the search-words. In zkforum the returned results are always the first few lines from post which do not nessecarily contain the search-words which makes it much harder to filter through them.

If "the issues" of offtopic in dev subforum were so easily solved by admins, they would have done so in the past five years. But instead they themself post stuff like bugreports http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/20478 or neonstorms http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/20019 and that does not belong there?
Clumping gameplay/bugs/website/steamdream/engine/Lua/neonstorm/etc all into one forum => fail.
Some threads that would have been easily answered in engine forum go into totally strange directions.

You'll get the productive discussions from Github issues, PRs, and #zkdev in the lobby.
I understand that this is about general modding beginner questions ala "How to use Spring.xyz() to do xyz?" or "Why does my unitdef error?", less about zK-specifique ala "Look at my new overdrive math." Neither chat or github is place for that.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
USrankJasper is not a developer. Design discussion is valid development discussion. It is one of the easiest development discussions to have on the player forum.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Stuarts.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
He is admin and there are many admins. Skasi said admins could clean up dev forum, I said I do not see that happening.
It is one of the easiest development discussions to have on the player forum.
Does neonstorming and all that have to be mixed into dev forum? Why even have forum rules http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2788 then?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
"most of the threads have little to do with development and are more about balance/gameplay/which unit should get slowdamage/badmins/dream-threads what wonder will bring the million players."

and about Knorke's complaints of course
+0 / -0