's only been about 30 minutes and we already had enough people ingame to crash the chat server. Good times. Come join in on the fun. Or see my previous post on what istrolid is here:
+8 / -0
Congratulations to everyone involved!
+0 / -0
it is very nice. simple, but addicting. interestingly, something about the way the units move,shoot, and work together kind of reminds me of ZK haha. also being wholly untainted by obtrusive microtransactions is a big plus
+1 / -0
The goal is for all RTSs to someday implement line move. THEN WE'LL HAVE WON !!!!
+6 / -0
1259 individual players logged on Steam at the peak of the evening. The only thing it needs to blow up even more is an actual coverage by some kind of youtuber/streamer/website.
+2 / -0
Is qutebrowser not supported or why do you say it doesn't work on Linux? It should work in Chromium right?
+0 / -0
I was able to play from Steam, there is definitely linux support. I prefer playing through browser anyway.
+0 / -0
Works great on Linux via Steam (Bumblebee nVidia graphics, Linux Mint Debian Edition). Nice game!
+0 / -0
quote: The only thing it needs to blow up even more is an actual coverage by some kind of youtuber/streamer/website. |
Already done by me and 5 other guys. GG.
+0 / -0
How did you guys repackage the game from browser to an executable? and why can't I give you guys more positive review
+0 / -0
A few days ago there were only a few youtube casts covering it. Today there's dozens!
+0 / -0
I'm streaming it in a few minutes (well, 7:15PM PDT May 10 2016, 3:15AM UTC), because why not? It will be/was on and
+0 / -0
If the campaign is supposed to be played first, it needs to be mandatory. Otherwise, the ship templates you'd get from the campaign (or at least the first line) should just be in the fleet menu by default, rather than after the campaign is done. As it stands the system is the worst of both worlds. If the ships are in the fleet menu, people super keen on customization will customize, people who just want to campaign can (it's the most obvious thing), and people who look around a bit get rewarded with ship templates (I guess). Also, my video is on YouTube. A ZK playerbase explosion would probably have a hard time with the current lobby, but given that the current lobby is on the way out I eagerly await the next lobby, which will hopefully not require 5 minutes of video to explain how to play a game in it (just the first 5).
+1 / -0
Your frustration is pretty disappointing to watch. We removed the starter ships explicitly because people would play the game as just a bad RTS. They'd play the game as if it didn't even have a design system, and the design is the whole point of this game. As a bad RTS with default units it's just not very compelling. This is why the campaign STARTS now in the design menu first. It lets players experiment and gives them ownership if they have unique ships. The campaign starter ships are not really good enough for multiplayer. You'll totally replace them fast, especially if you start copying enemy designs. We don't want to give players ships so good that they will only make them worse by editing them, and we don't want to push the meta in a specific direction by giving them decent starter ships in MP. You wanna be a 1337 pro and jump straight into multiplayer like most ZK players do, then you can steal designs or spectate to see what others are using. Jumping into the multiplayer in ANY game is that way, I think players should expect that to be diving into the deep end. I suppose we should allow players to take the path they feel best with through the game. Even giving a shitty brick of turret mounts, energy and HP they can mount whatever they want on would make you feel like you have at least something to work with...
+6 / -0
quote: Jumping into the multiplayer in ANY game is that way, I think players expect that to be the dive-into-the-deep-end way to learn. |
Given the experience which Shadowfury had, it might be a good idea to put a message to that effect somewhere.
+3 / -0
I've stomped countless noobs since the steam release. Approximately one in ten found the copy ship feature and forced me to escalate by copying my venerable fighter. Approximately one in twenty found flak, or designed a competent ship on their own, and forced me to escalate that way. I queried the anomalous minorities. All of the people who actually tried to play against me rather than succumb to the futility of resistance (either by trying counters, or by copying ships) were Starcraft people.    Shadowfury333 should totally copy/have copied AlphaSwarm based on stuff he said in his cast. Or copy my block fighter if a reactor ship is preferred. Copying AI ships is generally a very good idea. Copying should be explained and highlighted in MP.
+1 / -0
Maybe when people jump into MP the first time, we should start them in the fleet list with a few lineups and they can chose which lineup they like best and play with it. Maybe we should even front-load the design menu there, so that before you even get into MP, you have to fix a few ships by adding turrets and engines. It's wonderful to see the brand new designs players have come up with though when we really push the 'design your own ship' angle, rather than slight remixes of the same ships everyone else is using. I'm not sure how many people jump straight into MP and realize they have no ships. I've honestly never seen anyone take the path Shadowfury did. Perhaps this is an area where we do lose players, particularly those who are not happy to spend a lot of time in the design menu and learning from other players. Anyway Shadowfury could totally field a flexible fast fleet with swarmers, heavy fighters, interceptors, bombers and and micro-carriers for support, which is more the direction he was going, you don't need to alphaswarm with a single beam fighter design to play with fast light units...
+2 / -0