- Basic Formating
- Advanced Text Formating
- Quoting & Spoilers
- Links & Tooltops
- Clickable playernames / clans / factions / replays
- Images
- Videos and animated images
- Uploading images
- Subsections / Chapters and Table of Contents
- Lists
- Tables
Basic Formating
{{{text that
preserves white-space}}}
text that
preserves white-space
[q]short quote[/q]
[i]italic text[/i] italic text
[u]underlined text[/u] underlined text
[s]striked text[/s] striked text
[b]bold text[/b] bold text
Advanced Text Formating
[color=red]your colored text[/color] your colored text Cannot be colour color specification accepts #rrggbb format and named html colors (red, blue,etc), including "transparent" (useful for spoiler sections)
[size=3]your sized text[/size] your sized text
Horizontal dividing line:
---- looks like this:
Quoting & Spoilers
[quote]quoted text
linebreaks[/quote] quote: quoted text WITH linebreaks |
Text that can be unfolded by clicking:
[spoiler]this is a spoiler[/spoiler] [Spoiler]this is a spoiler
Links & Tooltops
[tooltip=this shows on mouse-over]text[/tooltip] text
[url=http://www.zero-k.info]Zero-K home page[/url] Zero-K home page
Linking to wiki pages When linking to wiki-pages, rather than using the full URL use instead the page's so-called wiki key:
[CommanderGuide] This creates a link to [CommanderGuide]
Clickable playernames / clans / factions / replays
@mojjj / @TheGBC / @SynPact    mojjj / TheGBC / SynPact
alternatives for special characters or name collisions:
@U201951 / @C391 / @F1    mojjj / TheGBC / SynPact
@B12345 B12345 2 on Tangerine
imges with alt-text:
[img=http://zero-k.info/img/avatars/khomeini2.png.BrokenLinkToUseAltText]this is the alt text[/img] [img=http://zero-k.info/img/avatars/khomeini2.png.BrokenLinkToUseAltText]this is the alt text[/img]
Videos and animated images embedded videos - click to play. with sound. no repeat supported formats: mp4, 3gp, webm, ogg, ogv, gifv your browser must be version IE: 9.0+ Chrome: 4.0+ Firefox: 3.5+ Safari: 4.0+ Opera: 10.5+
embedded videos - autoplay/sound is muted/repeat => just as a gif ;) supported formats: mp4, 3gp, webm, ogg, ogv, gifv your browser must be version IE: 9.0+ Chrome: 4.0+ Firefox: 3.5+ Safari: 4.0+ Opera: 10.5+
embed youtube videos Youtube links ins this form get embedded:
Note: https or youtu.be does not work.
Uploading images To upload images to be used in forum-threads, there exist many free picture-host-websites on the internet. ( http://imgur.com , http://photobucket.com ,...) For images that are meant to be included on wiki-pages it is more reliable to upload images to the zero-K site directly. (in case the host site goes down or blocks due to "hotlinking" in case of heavy traffic) Here is how to upload images to zK website:
 To get the url of the uploaded image rightclick on it, click 'display graphic' and copy the url. (It will be your chosen 'shortcut' with _bg added in front of file extension)
Subsections / Chapters and Table of Contents
<wiki:toc /> //inserts table of contents
= Heading Level 1 =
== Sub Heading Level 2 ==
== Another Sub Heading Level 2 ==
= Another Heading Level 1 =
Unnumbered lists Adding an space and * in front of a new line like this...
* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3 ...creates a list:
|| AAA || BBB || CCC ||
||DDD || EEE || FFF ||
|| GGG || HHH || III || creates a table:
AAA | BBB | CCC | DDD | EEE | FFF | GGG | HHH | III | Inside the cells can be more formating.
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Last: 8 years ago
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Last: 8 years ago
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First: 6 years ago
Last: 6 years ago
Edits: 1
First: 6 years ago
Last: 6 years ago
Edits: 1
First: 6 years ago
Last: 6 years ago
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First: 6 years ago
Last: 6 years ago
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First: 8 years ago
Last: 4 years ago
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First: 12 months ago
Last: 12 months ago