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Heavy cost yet Fail Results

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13 years ago
Ok so whats the point of jugg and bantha?. They cost so much M yet they are easy as all hell to kill det is the only thing that can do much of anything. Jugg just walks and thats about it, bantha walks and kills a few things then is killed in about 10 seconds. If they arnt going to be able to do anything other then waste M why have them there in the first place.
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13 years ago
Yeah those units have to be stronger or cheaper.
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13 years ago
Jugg is superb anti-unit, but fails greatly against defenses. Recently there has been a huge increase in silly porcy play, so it will be unuseful most games.
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13 years ago
ya i used jugg in anti-unit...it killed like 15 glaives and died it would be fine but its lazers has like some problems firing
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13 years ago
yea heavy units fail
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13 years ago
Jugg and Bantha are very specialised. Make them when you need cost density as that is their strong point.
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13 years ago
not really they dont have a strong point, like 2k m in some random crap kilsl them with no effort, there is no strat to this anymore cuz just about all heavy units are for anti heavy only, its nothing but spam wars anymore light things are strong vs heavy....and light....and pretty much everything.

You have made there almost no point for heavy things cept for anti porc which again spam the hell out of it and porc cant do much of anything against it

they are end game units not, waste 5 mins and 12k M making just to have them die seconds later cuz it got spammed into the ground in 2 seconds

make them useful or remove them plz
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13 years ago
Akantor, I am glad that you enjoy the game and you wish to contribute by sharing feedback. However, you are going about this the wrong way. Considering that ZK goes all the way back to TA, you could say that this game has been in development for about 12 years. As such, balance is not going to turn on a dime because someone started a thread about some unit after losing a game.

Before continuing balance discussion on anything, please read: http://trac.caspring.org/wiki/BalanceGuidelines

And please refrain from spamming threads in the development forum for every new topic.

(Someone please impliment sticky threads so we can have 1 balance suggestion thread)
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13 years ago
Sorry if I come off bluntly, I honestly like that people want to talk about balance, I just want you to get better at it. :)

Try to aim for more quality over quantity of balance suggestions.
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13 years ago
i thought this was one point of the forums
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13 years ago
sticky threads would be nice it is annoying to make a new thread for every thing

i just want to see more use of heavy things rather then spam wars, all spam dose is lag and annoy
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13 years ago
maybe should make a balance thread so the dev thread isnt spammed
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13 years ago
heavy designed to fail, to let the people calm down
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13 years ago
krow for example has been nerfed so bad if u build the same metal value of brawlers or rapier would be better
and for bantha and jugg u could build half the metal value and those would be better
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13 years ago
I once saw juggernaut walking in. I thought oh shit. Then there was few hlts few other things and it died fail! Only use for it is to be canon fodder. Like some penetrators firing stuff and enemy trying to kill juggernaut.
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13 years ago
Jugglenaut's main weapon it its gravity guns, which it uses to beat units against itself to kill them. It is excellent against pretty much any medium to heavy unit. It fails terribly against porc and doesn't fare well against light units either.

It is possible Jugg is a bit pricy, but it is still quite good when used right. Absolutely don't send it in by itself. Get some mobile shields guarding it, with some outlaws, racketeers, and anti-air, and you have one hell of a deadly assault force.

I agree that Krow was probably overnerfed.
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13 years ago
ok so....spend 12k M on a unit....then spend MORE METAL on MORE UNITS to guard the 12k M unit...THAT MAKES SENCE

jugg det and banth are suppose to be END GAME units not "send it in with other units to help it" no det is the only they that is worth the cost, the other 2 arnt worth the time or cost

and no thats not a rant thats the facts
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13 years ago
If you can afford an end game strider, you can afford more units.

What are you going to do after the thing is done? You had to have alot of eco in order to even build it, now they can be turned to building an escort.

I'll paraphrase what one of the good players said to me in a game.
"Units around 100m each are what the game is about. Those that cost more than that are meant to be used to give you an advantage so you can employ your 100m units. "

Frankly, without a certain base number of units, you don't have strategy. There will only be battlefield tactics and micromanagement if you have <10 units.

In my opinion as a not-so-good player, the game appears to be about positioning and out-thinking your opponent, not about building the biggest unit in the field.
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13 years ago
long and porcy games, is very hard to finish with spam. U can spam thousand of 100m cost unit at a time and there will be few towers which will kill em all. Thats why there exist canon fodders. But if u cant build canon fodder thats bad.
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13 years ago
They are absolutely NOT supposed to be game-ending units, and THAT is a fact.

This game was quite deliberately designed to not be a "rush to center and porc, and then rush superweapon and win" game.
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