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before the shield is disabled, I won't play this game again...

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13 years ago
before the shield is disabled, I won't play this game again...
just boring...
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13 years ago
Hmm that evil Hellacious..
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13 years ago
Chilling tale, sibling.
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13 years ago
1. make raiders
2. run inside shield
3. shoot randomly
4. ?????
5. profit
+0 / -0

13 years ago
not about him, just bored of that... with HLTs, Missile Towerss and Faradays build everywhere, and assault and sniper, do I have to build shield as well. no thanks.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
for any cost unit cannot beat defense for same cost even half cost, so everybody go half to defense and half to units.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Forgot to add: still for beating a porc, you need specified factory, like jumpjet or heavy tanks... rest you have to invest more than porc cost on arti. I wish I have a super commander just build DDM in front of enemy porc line.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
So make the damn specified factory. Or simply ignore the porc and attack a different spot (2v1 if necessary).

Use some imagination, that's what the game is about.
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13 years ago
if a game just play in less than 4 ways, that it is not playable for me... I love to play with all factories, and even the 2 are locked to many.
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13 years ago
the DPS of your close units are lower than the build power of enemy. an bypass it means enemy going to send attack from within
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I havent had any problem with shields or HLT. People forget it costs 400+450 to get shield + hlt .. for same price you can have..
4 Ravagers
8 Thugs
4 Zeus
2 (almost) precision bombers
2 EMP missiles
1 EMP bomber
14 glaives
10 bandits

etc etc.. any such combination deals swiftly with such porc. I stimply believe the cases where people are defeated by porc are:

  • they simply have inferior economy!
  • they are doing it wrong (attacking porc head on, picking wrong units for the job)

Note: arty is not a porc breaker! Its mainly for slowly pushing/annoying, you wont kill megaporc cost efficiently with just arty.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
4 ravagers fail to HLT+shield, and I don't like assault. I will make a mod without assault and shield.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
for those solution, you need new factory probably/new structure.
bandits fail quite easily,HLT without support is rarely seen.

The consequence of a failed rush bring the earlier end. Just getting bored.

Solutions there are: air, missile whatever, as you scout correctly then do.

EMP is op. I am a boring guy don't like to use OP stuff to play a game because not fun.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
4 ravagers dont fail, dont forget you have to move them inside shield close to hlt, i bet you can kill it with 0-1 lost ravagers.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Ok wait... so what units do you actually want to use?
You don't want arty, you don't want assault, you don't want emp...

Game is designed in the way that every group of units has specific role, and every role has units that can fulfill it.
For breaking porc there is assault, deal with it. Use arty and emp to weaken it first.

But if the porc is really too strong and you can't break it just go around. You have no idea how many games I have seen where someone keeps wasting units attacking the strongest defended point, while there are 3 other ways to go around and kill undefended enemy base and eco instead.

Now if you fear counter attacks from the porc it means the enemy has both more porc and more mobile units than you, which means he probably also got better economy, so you must have failed at some point and deserve to lose... :P
+0 / -0

13 years ago
I never got the same thought of classes, for me, I use riot and raider mostly, no place for assault. Arti was done easily and it don't work on multiple mobile shiled.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
shield is quite easy to beat. If there is mega shield porc build penetrator. I just build many hammers and they do theyr job while enemy builds shields i build more hammers sooner or later shields fail. Also shields has big blob u can just aim gun to shield and drain it.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
You can build shields in a triangle so that each shield protect the other 2

more shields with a little bit more distance to the center of the triangle can protect it from inside.

Or simple build solars, or anything else around it.
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