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Chobby Alpha Release

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8 years ago
JPrankgajop and I are in the process of making a lobby/game menu with Chili directly in Spring. We have reached the point where feedback and testing from a wider pool of people is useful. Really keen people could even switch to Chobby as it can already do basically everything ZKL can do. This is an alpha so quite a few features are not there. The friends, matchmaking and quick start tabs are empty and modoptions cannot be set. However, we have fairly decent local singleplayer.

Download: https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby/releases/tag/v0a.0.7.0

Fullscreen mode:

Windowed mode:

Here is a more complete list of contributors: https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby/graphs/contributors

+8 / -0
edited: Great Job!
+1 / -1

8 years ago
new/bugs regressions: it's an alpha release of a new lobby, how can it have regressions?
crashing takes zk with it: it runs in a separate process for now so that doesn't happen
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Unless this lands as an automatic update one day ^^
Btw it's Friday now, time for update? :P
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I should point out that I haven't had an attempt at making a decent external lobby.
+1 / -0
It ran! It ran!

joking aside, it runs beautifully. more Graphic improvement [icon, background, etc..] would be great but I figured non of us do those things.

Feature request:

Make name more distinguishable in chat: bold + colored maybe even colored differently based on player ID or have small icons or something
have a search option/search bar for choosing maps
when map + game version downloaded auto refresh [without the need to rejoin] [in my case I have to join a different room, then rejoin the old room, not just simply clicking on the old room]

Maybe prevent 2 game instant at once [e.g. catching up but then game finished and player vote game start in main lobby]
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. These are the issues:
- distinguish usernames better: https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby/issues/228
- map search: https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby/issues/217
- download not refreshing properly sometimes(?): https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby/issues/229
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I think that keeping the borderless-tablle like chat scheme, where nicks are in separate columns than chat, just like in swl and in zkl iirc makes nicks very distinguishable.
Anyway, is there ANY way of removing the SPRINGIE as a nick when someone says something ingame, and show the actual nick itself?
Also id advise you to make your lobby ignore ingame "poll messages", as i call them, (things like Poll: Remove yourself? [Y=1/20] (N=99/1000] ) which update after anyone presses !y or !n causing massive amount of spam.
Oh amd !y, !n and !start. The three most spammable commands could be muted to cut the spam too. Actually all !commands could be muted, but i like to know whom to report after i get kicked, and none if the developer decided to include poll starters nickname in the poll starting message itself. But thats a hell of a different story. I just like complaining whenever i have a opportunity to do so.
+3 / -0
on rerun it seem that lobby window state [fullscreen/windowed/fullscreen windowed] are linked to game window state [as expected] and game window state override the chobby window state option.

+0 / -0

8 years ago
Any new version?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
No. While some of the issues reported here were fixed, there's been far less work on it recently.
The goal of the next milestone is to deal with matchmaking, friends and teams (parties), but that might require some extra work with ZKS, and the plan is to implement it first on uber.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
me sad.

I want to stop using ZKL already. Chobby is still not good enough.

Best wishes, don't forget to be awesome.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Chobby is not Alpha yet (I guess) so, please, add it to Linux lobbys for Zero-K in http://zero-k.info/Wiki/Download page. SpringLobby is not updated since 2015 (at least for me, 64 bits version) and DOESN'T work for me months ago, but Chobby does.

Thank you
+0 / -0
Chobby is not Alpha anymore (I guess) so, please, add it to Linux lobbys for Zero-K

Sorry, it's still in alpha for ZK (it hasn't reached alpha for uber/non-ZK).
I don't have any power over what happens on the ZK site, but the agreement I had with AUrankAdminGoogleFrog is that this would only be a testing release to gather feedback.
I don't want this used by newbies and non-power users. First impressions mean a lot, and I don't want to rush releasing unfinished products that'll make people think poorly of Chobby and ZK. If you want to help see a better version out sooner, there's a lot of issues to tackle.

AUrankSortale: Can you try out the Git(development) version of Chobby ( https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby )? A lot of things you mentioned were addressed, so I'd like to know what you think now.
+0 / -0
I am not a tech student/professional [I am a nurse by the way]. quite clueless about using Git actually

So if you don't mind making a more detail version of how to compile. Else I'll look into it when I have free time [there's some near the end of the universe].

tried pr-dpwnloader:

C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0.1-1136-g1ea4d20>pr-downloader chobby:test "Blank v1"
pr-downloader 0.7-293-gf70d00d
[Info] Using filesystem-writepath: C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring
[Info] opened C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\rapid\repos.springrts.com\repos.gz
[Progress] 0% [ ] 0/0
[Info] Found 25 repos in C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\rapid\repos.springrts.com\repos.gz
[Info] opened C:\Users\Tera Goldenmoon\Documents\My Games\Spring\rapid\chobby.repo.springrts.com\versions.gz
[Progress] 100% [==============================] 13192/13192
[Error] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/main.cpp:188:main(): No file found for Blank v1
[Error] ../../tools/pr-downloader/src/pr-downloader.cpp:68:GetIDownloadByID(): GetIDownloadByID: Couln't find dl 0
[Info] Download complete!

+0 / -0
I'm assuming the release zip contains a .sdd file. To install the latest master, go to https://github.com/Spring-Chobby/Chobby and select "Clone or Download" -> "Download ZIP". Unzip that to a folder, rename the folder "Chobby.sdd", and replace the current .sdd you have in the Chobby games folder.

If you don't have a games folder with a Chobby.sdd, then you'll need to use Spring/engines/103.0/.
+0 / -0
Some changes have been made in the last few weeks. Many of them were layout or usability changes based on this thread. However, there is nothing currently that requires more testing and I don't want tester fatigue. There is a working bee planned this weekend and I hope to get enough changes out of it to make another alpha release.

In the meantime, if you want to test/use latest Chobby you can do the following:

Downloading as a zip is self explanatory but is not useful for update. With git you can incrementally download updates, make changes and commit them back to development. On windows I like tortiseGit https://tortoisegit.org/

It would be useful to have a few testers with some ability to closely follow updates and make good reports.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
success update, contribution below

Chat catch up [offline chat] was not available. Was it intentional?

+0 / -0

8 years ago
Overlapping element seems to be an error and "Minimap not found" is a known issue (needs implementation to load custom minimaps).
I don't want to resize the battleroom status (heading), as I want to leave room for queues, last game/replay, and maybe server status/news/motd/team overview.
+1 / -0

8 years ago


Chat catch up [offline chat] was not available. Was it intentional?
+0 / -0
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