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Send funny clips for the zk trailer!

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I've been working on creating a possible zk trailer, here you can have a look at its current state:

Now I am looking for possibilities to end this trailer. I would like this to be a short, in-game clip that fulfills as many of these criteria as possible:
  • Is entertaining to watch for a general, non-RTS audience
  • Shows off unique Zero-K features: map markers, terraform, special gamemodes...
  • Can be unorthodox or otherwise cause the trailer to stand out
  • Contains multiplayer content: coop campaign, clusterfuck, 1v1, ...
  • Is narrated or includes voice-chat (Mumble). Webcams are also great.

I don't care if it's bad video quality.

GoogleFrog and Licho have already recorded some coop campaign footage which could possibly be used.


Are the knorke toilets staying?
No, they're a placeholder for your clip. Although I don't suggest using toilets, I'm open to anything.

Is the rest final?
No, FIranksprang is currently re-recording the water scenes and I'm still open for suggestions. I'm not planning to rework everything though.

February 29?
There is no official release date yet.

Why are you showing your own 1v1 game?
This is the only game I happened to have downloaded and knew well enough to edit. If you find a casted game that is a lot more exciting and can point me exactly at what parts to use, I'll probably use it instead.

How will I be credited?
I'll put your name in the description, together with the other helpers and myself.

How will I be rewarded?
Next time we meet I'll make you some pancakes.

Lob lob?
Wub wub!

Thanks to @KingRaptor AUrankAdminGoogleFrog FIranksprang and CArankAdminShadowfury333 for recording the scenes used in this trailer.
+14 / -0

7 years ago
Dein, this was erotic as fuck. I came
+2 / -0
7 years ago
Look awesome, especially the music/video synchronizing in the second minute! For me, in the first minute some cuts felt too short (the camera changes very fast), maybe you can leave them 1 or 2 seconds more (example by second 7 you have 3 videos cuts).
+1 / -0
I had made something years ago.

should I be ashamed of this?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
That is the first really strong ZK trailer imo
+1 / -0
There are some funny clips in this half-assed trailer I did. Some scenes are from gifs and thus have poor video quality. Let me know if you want source for any scenes without the fade transitions.

+0 / -0
The idea to add Shadowfury's cast in the trailer is genius.

Just a small question: should the Zero-K logo not be written with the same Font that you used for other titles? Looks better than pseudo-japanese font IMO
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I don't think we need any funny clips at the end of the trailer. It is already two minutes long.

For general feedback, I think this version (endgame3) is better in many ways:

The perfect trailer would be endgame3 with the following changes:
  • Max quality shadows and dynlights for the non-SF333 Hide and Seek scenes. Max quality shadows are only available through the ingame menu.
  • Map edge extension for the non-SF333 Hide and Seek scenes which is consistent with SF333 settings.
  • Replace the last 10 seconds with the end bit of zktrailerpreviewwithknorke.

I posit that any other change would be detrimental. FIranksprang (I assume) and myself attempted to create better scenes for Hide and Seek but they are worse in other ways. The grass is inconsistent. The camera work is now too fancy and seems to be fancy for it's own sake, reducing the coherence of the two main games from the trailer. The short pan at the start of endgame3 is really good. The zoom out at the start of the SF333 bit is really good as it transitions to the cast video. The rest of zktrailerpreviewwithknorke has an overly messed-with colour balance which looks washed out and hiders recognition of Tropical scenes.
+3 / -0
7 years ago
This is awesome. I think I agree with malric that some of the cuts feel a bit too quick and even as an 'experienced' ZK/RTS player I was struggling to keep up with what was happening.

Seeing weapons fire, especially bigger thing like the bertha, arty strider etc, might be nice to follow the projectile to impact rather than a very short cut of just part of the firing sequence.

Agree that using SF's cast voiceover is really nice and the music is excellent. Overall this gets me pumped!
+2 / -0

7 years ago
Terraformed ramps in videos? New players doesn't know about terraforming and then fun start in such games. I think these should be avoided as much possible in videos.
+1 / -0