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More rage and disrespect from the Italian

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12 years ago

The Galeazzo_Mussoles rages again. And I'm the bad guy. Starts right off with the insults.


[11:35 AM] Springie [Skasi]comments over weapons? wat?
[11:35 AM] * Springie Hi sizif (rights:1), welcome to Springie 2.2.0, automated host. For help say !help
[11:35 AM] * Springie GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:05:21
[11:35 AM] * Springie If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
[11:35 AM] * Springie Hi darkprince (rights:1), welcome to Springie 2.2.0, automated host. For help say !help
[11:35 AM] * Springie GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:05:22
[11:35 AM] * Springie If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
[11:36 AM] Springie [Galeazzo_Mussolesi]nothing i had chat open andi couldn't jump cause of somebody telling me "wrong weaponn"
[11:36 AM] Springie [Skasi]ooh
[11:36 AM] Springie [Skasi]it was cleanrock
[11:36 AM] Springie [Skasi]ban he!
[11:36 AM] Springie [Galeazzo_Mussolesi]so sick of this
[11:36 AM] Bakalva raging again is see Italian Stallion
[11:36 AM] Springie [Skasi]hehe
[11:36 AM] Bakalva aleayd got my account banned
[11:37 AM] Bakalva turd
[11:37 AM] Bakalva perhaps you should start another thread
[11:37 AM] Bakalva ill be off ban in a few days
[11:37 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi i always die for people commenting instead than playing
[11:37 AM] Bakalva yeah every time somone comments you die - if it was only that easy
[11:38 AM] Skasi cool
[11:38 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi you should just enjoy your triple ban little nerd
[11:38 AM] Skasi now I have a fail proof tactic against galeazzo
[11:38 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and hopefully you learnnt something by all this, even if i doubt it
[11:38 AM] Bakalva you believe this turd ?
[11:38 AM] Bakalva lol Italian Stallion
[11:38 AM] Bakalva obv you havent learned anything
[11:38 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi are you naming people again?
[11:38 AM] Bakalva you cry like an old man at the end of his life
[11:39 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi cause i'm gonna have fun with you again
[11:39 AM] Bakalva whatever - your already raging
[11:39 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi lol
[11:39 AM] Bakalva blood all pumping
[11:39 AM] * Springie Hi [I]burp (rights:1), welcome to Springie 2.2.0, automated host. For help say !help
[11:39 AM] * Springie GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:09:03
[11:39 AM] * Springie If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
[11:39 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi kids won't ever change
[11:39 AM] Skasi I love both of you, honestly
[11:39 AM] Bakalva teeth grinding
[11:39 AM] Bakalva hot italian fail blood
[11:39 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi i wonder why you don't simply ban his IP
[11:39 AM] Bakalva raging
[11:39 AM] * Springie Hi loveu2 (rights:1), welcome to Springie 2.2.0, automated host. For help say !help
[11:39 AM] * Springie GAME IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT TILL IT ENDS! Running for 00:09:27
[11:39 AM] * Springie If you say !notify, I will PM you when game ends.
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and remove this nerd from this game once and for all
[11:40 AM] Bakalva if you knew anything about Internets you know IP bans are useless
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi too bad for you, as i run a lan center
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi would not be that hard
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi to permanently ban your ip
[11:40 AM] Bakalva lol ok ban my whole subnet maybe
[11:40 AM] Bakalva idiot
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi actually, i might get into your pc through this game
[11:40 AM] Bakalva i home you dont manage anything critical to Italy
[11:40 AM] Bakalva *hope
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and format your hard disk, just for the sake of it
[11:41 AM] Bakalva please do
[11:41 AM] Bakalva I could use a format on this SSD
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi but as i promised, i will just leave the game
[11:41 AM] Skasi you forgot to say "pwetty", Bakalva
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and let you troll someone else
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi i am not intended to waste my time with people like you
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi as long as you will be in game, i will be out
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi have fun
[11:41 AM] Bakalva lol nah you'll just move on to another rage game
[11:41 AM] Skasi now I have two failproof counters
[11:41 AM] Bakalva old man
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi i will play alone, without you
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi they actually seem to loveyou more
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi so they deserve you more
[11:42 AM] Bakalva yeah you play with yourself alone a lot dont you ?
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi i am not playing for the sake of raging every second like you do
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi bye guy
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi have fun
[11:42 AM] Bakalva yer currently rage quiting
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi wjhen you'll be 18, you'll understand it
[11:42 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi grow up a pair
[11:42 AM] Bakalva lol
[11:42 AM] Bakalva this guy
[11:42 AM] Bakalva if you actually know what i do you would cry
[11:43 AM] Skasi are you fapping, Bakalva?
[11:43 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and most of all, don't you play the cool guy with people you dunno, cause if you saw me in person, i strongly doubt you may do the same cool guy
[11:43 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi bye guys have fun
[11:43 AM] loveu2 internet tough guys
[11:43 AM] Bakalva i am currently fapping with anger
[11:43 AM] Skasi is that something good?
[11:43 AM] Bakalva you strong eh?
[11:43 AM] Skasi he quit, nub
[11:43 AM] Bakalva you gots good kung fu ?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Moved to Off Topic. I don't think this belong in General Discusion. Im inclined to refer to this as spam and just remove it.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
You two feed off each other, in a symbiotic relationship. You go on and on attacking each other. Last time the attack list was 3 or 4 times the length of this.

I am mute banning both of you. Someone lock this thread.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I actually feel sorry for Licho in this. I'm sure he was happy to have the Edit button added to his forum and thought he'd be able to leave it well enough alone.

Now he's going to have to deal with forum-bans, IP bans, locking threads, etc.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
Real mature Jasper. I wasn't even in that game, I just caught the tail end of his rage quit. So it wasn't me.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
"and most of all, don't you play the cool guy with people you dunno, cause if you saw me in person, i strongly doubt you may do the same cool guy"

Best passive aggressive comment of the day.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
And more epic elitist admin abuse for pointing out the truth.


32 minutes ago
Expires on 3/9/2012 5:09:52 PM GMT

PENALTY: see http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/1918
26 minutes ago
Expires on 3/9/2012 5:15:49 PM GMT

+0 / -0
Bakalva you really do not know when to stop do you. That hole is going to swallow you up. Someone will ban you for a month.
+0 / -0
Funny but you are as much to blame. You are continually pushing my buttons.

Now as for today, I log in and this guy is rage retarding again. So, I had nothing to do with this.

And I think - 'wow, so .. he's going off again ...'

Licho or Google or whoever - ban me and pretend you are totally in the right and well within your means.

I don't know who 'recruited' this guy or whatever. But from the start we acting like a turd and continued to act like a turd. And that's bad - bottom line.

From the name dropping, passive aggressive attitude, the bragging about his whatever lan, and not to mention the rages.

+0 / -0
Dude you where only mute banned get over it. sFireman took his ban like a man.

Galeazzo_Mussoles has the following ban if you have not checked.

PENALTY: Feeding off rage attacking and counter attacking.
77 minutes ago
Expires on 3/9/2012 5:10:30 PM GMT

PENALTY: Also threatened hacks which are a crime
65 minutes ago
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Whatever. Muting only prevents typing in the lobby client.

I could careless about whatever penalty you feel is appropriate.

The exciting part about arguing with someone from the USA is they are just as obnoxious and arrogant as I am. Always right. A man's man. Always.
+0 / -0
I don't see a reason for bans, Jasper. Nobody was hurt, the mute does not do anybody any good. However, I think I can understand your decision.

It is probably best if both mutes expire at exactly the same time to give both parties a feeling of fairness.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Idunno, Skasi, I'd hate to see Zero-K turn into the kind of community where near-constant foul-mouthed insults were the normal mode of communication as exists in the rest of the hardcore online gaming world.

As nasty as kneejerk mutes are, it's better to stop the problem before it starts.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi actually, i might get into your pc through this game
[11:40 AM] Bakalva i home you dont manage anything critical to Italy
[11:40 AM] Bakalva *hope
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and format your hard disk, just for the sake of it
[11:41 AM] Bakalva please do
[11:41 AM] Bakalva I could use a format on this SSD

You cant make threats like that.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Jasper, that's not a threat at all. Galeazzo_Mussoles has/had no idea what they're talking about. Even Bakalva understood that. How is that a threat? Is me saying "I'll put you in a rocket and send you into the sun" a threat?

Pxtl, why exactly do you think mutes stop something? Personally I see mutes as a problem, not people talking with one another - whatever words they may use.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
yeah, dont mute - deny unlocks and coms :)
+0 / -0
First, he says in order to establish credibility.

[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi too bad for you, as i run a lan center


11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi actually, i might get into your pc through this game

[11:40 AM] Bakalva i home you dont manage anything critical to Italy
[11:40 AM] Bakalva *hope
[11:40 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi and format your hard disk, just for the sake of it
[11:41 AM] Bakalva please do
[11:41 AM] Bakalva I could use a format on this SSD
[11:41 AM] Galeazzo_Mussolesi but as i promised, i will just leave the game

A court in the USA could throw him into jail. Not that I agree with those draconian laws. Although they would most likely call it an idle threat.

That is like saying I have a gun and know how to use it. I could shoot you but I won't.

Both hacking and threats can be crimes.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Seriously now. Someone who asks for IP ban is not credible.
+0 / -0
Credibility is based on if he thinks he is credible. When he made the threat. Not on if, he could really carry out the threat as worded or a different similar threat.

This has been going on for 2 days now it needs to end. Discussing bans in an open topic is wrong.

Can someone lock this please?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I don't believe Galeazzo_Mussoles sees themself as credible either when saying that. I don't believe discussing an important topic in an open environment is wrong, but quite the opposite.
+0 / -0
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