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Campaign Feedback - Shieldbots and Caretaker

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7 years ago
Zooph V - Cornea is incorrectly called Iris in briefing text

Iris is the mobile cloaker, Cornea is the static cloaker. Is there something in the text which is inconsistent with that?
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7 years ago
Both are called Iris.
+0 / -0
I am failing to find a piece of text which refers to the static cloaker as Iris. Can you quote it?
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"The Iris mobile cloaker", then cornea's first line is "The Iris area cloaker". Very confusing at first which one is actually the Iris?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Ok, I'll refine that text a bit.
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- Yeta (Easy Difficulty): [Spoiler]
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- Altaris (Easy): [Spoiler]
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Zooph V (Easy): [Spoiler]
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Perhaps some of these missions would be more exciting if they were restructured in the following way:

- Shieldbot Introduction: [Spoiler]

- Shielded shieldbots race against time: [Spoiler]

- Shieldbots vs Airplanes, Striders, and heavy defenses: [Spoiler]

- Shieldbots hold the line: [Spoiler]

As for the introduction of Caretakers, Pylons, Geothermal Generators, and Cornea/Iris, their missions would probably be better structured as follows:

- Caretaker Introduction: [Spoiler]

- Pylon and Geothermal Introduction: [Spoiler]

- Cornea/Iris saves the day: [Spoiler]
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Ogurlo (Easy): [Spoiler]

What I would've suggested changing for this mission is the following:


Edit: [Spoiler]
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Is Ogurlo much easier than other mission on the same difficulty? Did you get the bonus objectives?
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6 years ago
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog: What other mission are you talking about?

Like I said before, when I decided to try Ogurlo a 2nd time, to try to get the bonus objectives, I only managed to do so with mere seconds to spare, meaning that I could've easily screwed that up. Keep in mind, that attempt was when I decided to preemptively destroy the 1st Dante before it was finished.

For that purpose, I had built up a modest strike force consisting of Thugs, Felons, Scalpels, Racketeers, and an Aspis. By the time I had succeeded in taking out the Dante, my strike force had sustained minimal casualties (thanks in part to setting a repair spot near the front line). In fact, throughout the mission, my strike force was constantly growing and receiving reinforcements, not only as it was fighting its way to the Dante under construction, but also when it was sent to take out the Metal Storage Depots, and finally back just in time to destroy the Strider Hub while a 2nd Dante was over 70% finished.

So yes, I found the mission a bit difficult, but I also found rushing to destroy the 1st Dante when it was under construction to be thrilling.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Zooph V crashes while loading on my Ubuntu 18.04, both nVidia and Intel graphics.
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6 years ago
FIrankVermind Can you try running the maps "Fields_Of_Isis" and "Cattle and Loveplay NO WORMS 1" in a Skirmish so we can figure out whether it's a map problem or a mission problem?

Also send the infologs for the campaign crashes.

It's probably easier to follow this up via lobby or Discord.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Problem solved.
long story short, I got frustrated and reinstalled the whole machine with a clean Ubuntu 18.04, and now it does graphics offloading out of the box:
Zero-K % xrandr --listproviders
Providers: number : 2
Provider 0: id: 0x66 cap: 0x9, Source Output, Sink Offload crtcs: 3 outputs: 4 associated providers: 1 name:modesetting
Provider 1: id: 0x3f cap: 0x4, Source Offload crtcs: 0 outputs: 0 associated providers: 1 name:nouveau

So that's using the nvidia card with nouveau for rendering and piping to the software modesetting driver for display, and that works nicerly with Zero-K on the problem maps.
Granted, it's nouveau, but it's still fast compared to intel.
And after this, I just switched to the older nvidia-340 driver via the driver gui. It seems to work well with the out of the box offloading scheme too ( !! ).
The Zooph map works great on Ultra. So, problem solved.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Jochu (Easy) Revisited:
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6 years ago
I would like to leave a general feedback on the campaign rather than a focus on individual missions:

Let me stress that I really enjoy it! The campaign introduces the huge tactical and strategical opportunities very well, has a good balance of new and old items and always encourages me to continue with just another level. My son plays them on "easy" and loves it, I play on normal (preferring entertainment over challenges) and enjoy every level. I appreciate all the love for details, the idea of bonus missions, the funny ideas (resurrection planet), the introduction of new units with good tips and a sample strategy how to win the mission with these new units. Last but not least I really love it that there are so many planets to explore. Actually, I am surprised that I never had the feeling of redundancy -- there is always something new to focus on, even though mission goals are similar.

The campaign is very well done. Good job, guys! Thank you!

I am looking forward to play the coop campaign (once it is available/fully functional for linux).
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Here are some Videos how i played the Campaign

Phisnet-3617: Unlocks Shieldbot Factory, Convict, Bandit, Thug, Outlaw
Was a easy Mission just spam Thugs and some Outlaws and make a Shieldball for the Commando.
Jochu: Unlocks Rogue, Vandal, Razor
Many Rogue and Vandals, can be lucky if you catch the Commando fast
Altaris: Unlocks Felon, Storage
Playing first more Defensly and then just Attack with some Felons and other Stuff, Felons are realy good here to Defend your Base because of many Raiders.
Ogurlo: Unlocks Racketeer, Aspis, Aegis
Raider Spam is very effective here but build some Racketeer for the Dante and some anti Raider Stuff.
Zooph V: Unlocks Snitch, Iris, Cornea and Geothermal Generator
First playing more Defensly with Snitches + Iris and then try to be sneaky and get into the Enemy Base with like 6 Snitches and 1 Iris then its GG u win faster then you could lose.
Yeta: Unlocks Caretaker, Pylon
Try to get Cerberus fast online and destroy the Desolator, then just Raiderspam and destroy the Factorys
+2 / -0
5 years ago
started playing the campaign,

in most missions, player built defenses are either redundant or in effective, the enemy always has longer range and stronger defenses then a quick build strike force.

power creep in some missions is is significant and makes the missions feel like a challenge even if only because if you arent boosting, you are losing.
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4 years ago
Mission Altaris: Brutal, difficulty 8, enjoyablity 5, 3 after loading and not being awarded bonuses.

Why o why does your bonus objective progress not save when saving and loading? The campaign has a sheer cliff uphill learning curve already but you have to complete the objective and win without loading! Biggest challenge 2 mins in and facing a dozen bots and land vehicles, 10/15 mins in and they get precision artillery and snipers????
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