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Aimable advanced radar?

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6 years ago
Give it an aimable conical directional sight to set it apart from the cheaper radar.
Changes to its direction could be slow and gradual, would still be affected by LOS, and would only cover a sphereical/oblong area of the map at any given moment, as though the radar effect was emitted like a flashlight across the ground.
Max range would still be limited, but further than it is now.

Not sure about the visual range, maybe determined by a wider cone that doesn't reach nearly as far, but still has some capabilty to peer out further than regular radars.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
This just sounds like a nerf as it is, in effect, already aimable with a 360 degree cone. It is already differentiated by its ability to look deep into enemy territory.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I think a better idea would to be to make this its own seperate radar entirely.
We have 2 excellent ones that both get the job done but we don't have a middle man kind of rader.

Lets be generous and say its a 40° angle.
Probably a price that meets half way between advanced radar and the radar tower, say 220.
Now a 40° with 3000 elmo would probably make the most sense for its price and what it does.
This is just me though.
+1 / -0
I like the idea, but I worry it would basically become pretty much as effective as an advanced radar for most uses, for less cost. I mean, even if the sector is very narrow, all you'd really need to do is sweep it across the front line depending on where you need to look at the moment. It's now adding micro but probably not a great deal of fun, for the cost saving of maybe a single mid-sized unit.

There aren't that many times when you need more radar coverage over in your side of the map once you've established a front line. Occasionally, yes, and in those times an advanced radar that hasn't been killed yet will fill in those holes - but a couple of standard radars could also do that.

If we're going to do something as an additional information structure, I think I'd prefer a telescope. Build it somewhere, select a single point it can reach in line of sight, and it will then provide a vision radius around that point. Ideally, this should also indicate to the opponent that this area is now visually observed.

I would imagine the easiest way to do this is have the telescope be able to once-off construct a unit (like the Djinn lamp) which is untargetable and has no physical presence, but is still visible to the opponent and grants vision in a radius.

If necesary, some sort of check could be done every few seconds to see if the original telescope still has no terrain interrupting its line of sight to the vision point, and if it does, the vision point... changes colour and stops providing sight? Stays around until the telescope itself is destroyed, though, in case the land is terraformed back down or whatever.

This would be an excellent anti-defense structure as it enables better information and targetting of fixed defenses, but it's quite counterable as you know it's happening (justify as lens glint or optical tracking or whatever, it's high tech!).

I would imagine it might have some uses in monitoring an otherwise undefended area too, in case radar-jammed things are trying to sneak through. Cloakers still defeat it obviously, which is fine.
+0 / -0