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The Hermit sucks

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The Thug got a cost decrease, the Hermit stays the same. The Bolas was introduced, which is a raider that can cross water, and it beats the Bolas 1v1 even if every Hermit projectile hits. The Zeus got buffed and totally reks Hermit. Turrets are now on spires, and Hermit can't even hit them. The world has power crept over the humble Hermit and now it stinks the most as both uninteresting and woefully underpowered, please buff.
+3 / -0
4 years ago
I think it needs a leveler side arm tbh
+1 / -0
4 years ago
What are you even basing this on? When was the last time you played vs players? I can't find a single PvP replay for the last year in your history. Are you smurfing?

Hermit is one of the most cost efficient units, it is very cheap and has a lot of health which translates to a very strong and expendable assault unit.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Sometimes I wonder about Hermit. Opinions seem to vary as well as what I seen in theory or in practise. Stats-wise it trounces Knight on HP/cost and has has the same speed, range and DPS/cost. Crawling over cliffs is a massive situational advantage, but so is the weight, precision and stun of Knight.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
The cliff advantage is not an advantage if the advantage is used to justify the unit being overall weak. Hovers for example have vehicle speed and water pathing, but that doesn't seem.to translate to conspicuously weaker units than vehicles or tank.

Tinyspider I'd welcome some a replay where Hermit performs as a strong unit, 1v1 or teams. You'll probably struggle to find a replay where it gets much use in a high level game.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Here are some replays from me where I use cliffs and mass to overwhelm the enemy positions with Hermits.


Hermit is mostly good at just massing up and overrunning enemy positions. Typically they don't hit fast moving targets in low density situations but they also have enough range that they are able to skirmish against other assaults and riots so they are pretty hard to counter once massed.
If they were any better, they would just run rampant against almost anything other factories can put against them.
+3 / -0

4 years ago
Ok then, Hermit must secretly rule not gonna argue with Godde
+2 / -0
hermit is fun vs lotus
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Hermits are pretty awesome and much hardier than thugs imo.
Main weakness is i find them them have less synergy with the rest of their factories units than thugs do.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I would not say Hermits are sturdier than Thugs considering Thugs have higher effective health due to Shield + shield regen while having faster movement speed, granted the Hermit range (+ ballistic range from heights) compensates the slower movement speed.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Hermits are a vital unit for adding tankiness to spider formations. Without them spiders are made of paper. Swarms of hermits can also make for pretty great cliff assaulters as already mentioned.

They feel like they suck because their "handling characteristics", so to speak, are bad. The're slow, clumsy, turn their turret slowly, shot inaccurate, individually deal little damage, individually are easy to kill, etc.

But the're very cost efficient and that makes up for all of that.

+1 / -0

4 years ago
Ok then, Hermit must secretly rule not gonna argue with Godde

+2 / -0
4 years ago
when hermits push they soak up heaps of fire.. mix them with other spiders like recluse, venom and a crab and they will distract everything and cant be stopped very easy from pushing a position forward

i agree the range makes them quite bad at hitting raised units.. but the meatshield value is insane
+1 / -0

4 years ago

This battle doesn't demonstrate Hermit power very well given that the Hermits lost against a smaller army of Fencers(!) and Rippers about 6 minutes in.
The game winning move could have been done with any army of the same metal value (just take 3K army, smash into nearly defenceless enemy base).
USrankDregs lost that one due to not keeping up his eco/expansion game (once an area is cleared, you should probably send some cons down to get those mexes).
+0 / -0
4 years ago
I'm no high-level player, but I've definitely had success with Hermits both as HP sponges and as a means of assaulting fortified positions, particularly from unexpected angles. They're not amazing, and would be better if a bit more speedy, but if you can get them into the right spot (via area cloak, usually), they're great.
+1 / -0