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4 years ago
Our wiki looks rather deserted and the newbie guide on it unfinished. I half-expected people to start filling it with useful stuff now that so many have to spend time at home, but, alas, it looks like many don't even know of its existence. The forum has a section on Wiki, but that's just confusing, having two headers named "Wiki" here.

I have been (very) slowly vandalizing... er, fixing some articles, but I do think it needs a lot more love from a lot more people.
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I find it very ironic the your forum avatar is a vandal, and that you are vandalising
will look into the wiki
+0 / -0
I am more concerned about incorrect information, and wrong tips.

One example (on the wiki: 2020(y).04(m).28(d))
- As mentioned before, the Blitz overkills Darts, so you may want to use them to counter Blitzes instead of Rippers.

This is simply wrong. Rippers, despite being quite useless in earlier versions, were always a cost-effective counter against Blitz, since I started playing. Darts, on the other hand, were always ineffective, their damage and slow hardly made a difference, when I tested with cheats, setting up multiple encounters.
+1 / -0
Rippers, despite being quite useless in earlier versions, were always a cost-effective counter against Blitz

Blitz is 2x faster. 2 Blitz taking on 1 Ripper would destroy it without even taking much damage, by stunlocking it. The only times Ripper worked was if you had 3-4 of them in a bunch, but that also means they could not cover any territory between them.

Modern Ripper sells its life dearly even when alone, and that makes a difference.

Darts, on the other hand, were always ineffective, their damage and slow hardly made a difference, when I tested with cheats, setting up multiple encounters.

Darts used to absolutely wreck Blitz even before slow. With slow, a Blitz walking around in a Rover hood is good as dead, not even having a chance to run as Darts are faster.

(So everyone just makes Kodas, now that they are more or less normal raiders)

Keep in mind that you used to get 8 Darts per Blitz. Currently you still get 7. That's enough to kill it even if you don't bring along a Scorcher for DPS.

I have been (very) slowly vandalizing... er, fixing some articles, but I do think it needs a lot more love from a lot more people.

Contributing to wiki is an underrated way of improving the game. Props to you!
+2 / -0
My method for testing was to set up groups for 2 different teams (about the same metal cost), then sent them to attack each other. Of course, in an actual game it is not the same situation, you may not be able to force the engagement.
Also it was before the "superfluid" update.

Ripper was(is?) cheaper than Blitz.

I remember 2 Scorchers attacking together (cost less metal) destroyed a Blitz, and the results were the same in larger groups, with 2:1 ratio.

If my memory serves right, Darts were completly annihilated by Blitzes. One got destroyed even before firing a single shot. And a second one followed it shortly after.
+0 / -0
I remember 2 Scorchers attacking together (cost less metal) destroyed a Blitz, and the results were the same in larger groups, with 2:1 ratio.

I see no way for 2 Scorchers to win against 1 well-controlled Blitz (that is, if it stays at its maximum range, at which it deals 100% damage while Scorchers' heatrays deal 5% at most).

If you obtained such a result, your methodology is very suspect.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
I had dream to make latvian language articles in ZK wiki. But then i saw that there is no latvian players in ZK except me. My english is so bad that i didnt even tried to contribute in wiki. I would write many good stuff.
+0 / -0
Alone, I cannot control 2 armies of different teams at once. For me, a good counter needs to cost less and eliminate the opposition, if the fight cannot be avoided.

I see no way for 2 Scorchers to win against 1 well-controlled Blitz (that is, if it stays at its maximum range, at which it deals 100% damage while Scorchers' heatrays deal 5% at most).

If you obtained such a result, your methodology is very suspect.

In that case a single Scorcher (which has longer range and is faster), perfectly controlled, should be able to eliminate a Blitz, given enough time. I don't think I could manage it though.

Back to the tips. In a fictional scenario, where my opponent attaks with Blitzes, I would stand a better chance defending with Rippers than with Darts.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
This is again where ZK balance and counter structures are decided based on what the top players are able to do with it. I would never expect a newbie to use Darts against Blitz without suiciding them unit by unit. What is brutally efficient for some players will be total suicide for others.

Maybe it's important to split the wiki into basic description and advanced tactics. In a basic sense, Reaver counters raiders. Once you get into micro, you learn how many edge cases there are. Then you see that Reavers can be swarmed with alpha/slow raiders and can themselves counter skirmishers in the right conditions.
+2 / -0
I think its better to avoid highly specific tips for that reason, aka, "counter X unit with Y unit using Z strategy". Apart from tending to be contentious, they can get outdated fast as the game changes, and the article might take a while to get updated.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Well swarming with small units has always been a viable strategy, just works a bit better or worse depending on the patch. And it's always been a strategy that doesn't work if units aren't microed well or the situation doesn't allow it. Knowing how to position units and when to commit is a skill that can take a long time to learn.

That doesn't mean it shouldn't be written down. Some players have a great sense for this and can climb the ranks quickly by sticking to raider micro. It's still a good point that the exact interactions vary between patch, so such information should be in its own section with a disclaimer.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Depends on your definition of small. Raiders, surely. Things like darts, I find them only cost-efficient against really valuable, really vulnerable targets, like lances, merlins, tremors, etc. And even then one stray llt or raider can make the strategy inviable.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
maybe i can make a tutorial mission that pits the player against many A-move armies that the player will have to take out with limited metal?
+0 / -0
4 years ago
LVrankSenaven: If someone gets annoyed enough with your English on the wiki, they are free to correct it and hopefully they will do so. Especially considering how few people are contributing at all, I'd encourage you to try anyway. Just knowing the difference between "loose" and "lose" is all you need as far as I'm concerned ☺.
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Contributions of content are useful even if the English is not perfect. Editing something that is almost right tends to be easier than making a whole section from scratch, so many types of contributions are useful.
+2 / -0