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ZERO-K Energectic Economic System study.

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4 years ago
I made a little research about everything ive been learning from the energetic economy system of Zero-K I got to gather a good ammount of information. I cant save this information for me. I have dediced to post it so other can take a part of cake.
Specially new players.

Energy investment. Energetic

I have concluded that energy investment remains equal but in a certain way it remains with a small difference with how much energy can be obtained from 115 energy wind generators than from a singularity reactor
The investigation gave the following results:

Singularity reactor
Amount and price Only 1
It cost $4000
Energy produced and metal overdrive

Wind generator field
Amount and price
needs 115 of these
It cost $4025
Energy produced and metal overdrive
110 to 290E/s
9.0 to 9.9M/s

The same rule goes for Fusion reactors and solar plant fields. 16 Solar plants are required to match the income of a fusion reactor.

Its show that both energy sources show weak and strong points:

Wind generator field

The strong side of them is that they are easier to get and defend. Even if they are damaged, they do not create huge explosions that erase everything around them.
The weak side is that as soon as they are built, they can be destroyed due to how fragile they are and that their income depends. They do require a lot of space to build a facility enough big to provide the same energy to the overdrive grid to the energy pylon.

Singularity reactor.
The strong side is that they produce a huge amount of energy and require so little space to be built. Their income is solid and constant.
The weak side of them is that if disturbed in the slightest way they explode unleashing a violent nuclear wave capable of erasing everything around them in a wide area. Enough to clean the face of a battlefield just like new Folsom.

Energy Grid.
The energy grid has colors. It goes from purple to red. Between them is Blue, Green and yellow, Orange.
Color meanings
Purple: Minimal energy/unliked Energy grid.
Blue: Extremely low energy within grid.
Green: Optimal overdrive state. Income payback assured within 4-5 minutes. All energy investment is worth and return investment very quickly.
Yellow: Energy grid in forced capacity. Additional metal income is reduced. Investment return becomes longer. All energy investment loses value.
Orange: Energy grid at over capacity. Investment return becomes longer than it already is. All energy investment loses more value. Investing in more energy is not recommended
Red: Minimal energy investment return in metal. Do not invest more in energy reactors.

Extra material:
¿How to pull off an energetic economy in Zero-K?
The first step. Requires at first to build the primary sources of the metallurgic economy which is to build metal extractors. As many as Metal spots can be found. Once built the overdrive grid must be started. It can be built in 2 ways.
#1st Way is to build a progressive grid that grows from the main base with all its energy in there. Connecting itself to all the metal extractors around it. Providing an unified and centralized energy system keeping this single self-expanding energy away from the main. Very safe and easy to defend in means of combat. But indeed, is more expensive due to the excessive number of pylons required for this task and it tends to leave all other positions specially those where metal spots accumulate very unprotected.

#2nd Way is to build the energy across every metal spot. Which would require defenses and continues support. This could even lead to use this position as outpost or security choke points in battle. This system provides the overdrive efficiency for the metal extractors quicker than the other model.

Recommended actions to support and get extra economic performance:
-make use the wrecks of enemies and allies over the ground. Recycling these corpses would help by acquiring their value in metal which can be used to build more extractors and energy generators.
-If needed energy investments can be done until the energy grid reaches a tone yellow in case is really needed to meet an economy demand of resources.
-Storages can be built to save metal. Saving metal can be useful when numeric advantage is not an option in the battle. Numerous tactics can work in order to counter enemy numerical advantage. All saved non spent metal can be used in emergency situations to afford advantageous forces or either energetic installations.

That is everything for today. Thanks for reading and long live to the empire.

+9 / -0
4 years ago
Wind generators are actually the worst to defend. The're made of paper and tend to chain-explode when placed on a line (specially if placed in a box). The're also very voluminous which makes it even harder to keep them safe.

Whereas solars are the safer but less cost-efficient option for early game economy.

The problem with singularity reactors isn't so much the large explosion as it is the large upfront cost. The're extremely efficient, but 4k metal is no joke. You don't get any benefit until you finish paying that 4k bill, and you might have lost the game by then. I tend to build mostly fusions for that reason (after I have a decent number of solars). I only start thinking of building a singu after I have some 3 fusions lying around.

Geothermals are also worth mentioning as the're the most cost-efficient energy sources. Although I personally feel that the adv morph isn't worth it in most maps. The explosion is too stronk, and unlike a singu you have to place it where the vent is and not where you want, and where the vent is is usually not safe.

I think in 1v1 and small team games its sufficient to just make about 20-30% more energy than you have metal. That lets you build at full capacity and gives some extra for overdrive/repairs/usage spikes. Off course you might need more if you're making heavy use of energy-draining units like shields or cloak.

In large team games and specially lobsterpots, where you know things will get porcy, I like to pile up energy until the grid is yellow.
+1 / -0

4 years ago
you could have just asked me. could have saved you the work.
+1 / -0
Energy produced and metal overdrive

How much overdrive produces depends on the metal extractors in the grid and other generators already pumping energy. Pumping a singularity's worth of energy into a single +2 mex will produce an extra +7.5 income. Putting the same energy into two +2 mexes will produce an extra +10.6 income. Putting it into a single +4 mex will produce an extra +15. Two singularities' worth of energy in the single +4 mex will produce +10.6 per singu.


115 Windgens
110 to 290E/s

The minimum could be less than that, depending on the altitude (and indirectly the map - some maps don't have high altitudes at all). Windgens at high altitudes have higher minimums, but those near sea level have 0 minimum. The highest minimum you can reach is 1.0 per windgen and the max is always 2.5.

16 Solar plants are required to match the income of a fusion reactor.

Solars are +2 and a Fusion is +35 so you need 17½.

The weak side (of windgens) is that as soon as they are built, they can be destroyed due to how fragile they are

Everything can be destroyed as soon as it is built, not just windgens. Everything can also be destroyed before it is fully built too, so singularity isn't much better off for not being finished early. Note that a windgen's worth of singularity has less health (35) compared to a windgen (130).

Also note that 35 metal's worth of windgen already contributes energy (and thus metal) while 35m worth of singularity is just a 1% nanoframe which contributes nothing, so finishing in steps is an advantage.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
You forgot the sturdier grid:
the solar pylons.
which is: same thing as grid 1 except solars/wind(for high places)/tidal(for water) are used as links.
- solars are sturdier (500-2000hp per solar) and dosn't go shiny
- solars decloak
- solars provide energy in the early game.
- it can be build solar by solar and has an effect
- costs more to link up a new mex
- blocks movement
- if wind/tidal is used instead of solars, very fragile and a big target for scythe
- a lot more APM hungry to queue
+1 / -0
here is how actual eco get calculated because you missed one thing; build time

ill use a theoretical 5bp/s all game in buildpower to show a player dedicating some of their resource to eco consistently

1 wind gen takes 7 seconds to build for 5bp/s
1 singu takes 800s to build at 5bp/s

that means that by the time the singularity makes ANY e the wind farm will have made 800*1.2*115*.5=55200e not accounting for any exponential growths from OD and assuming all OD income goes into combat.

now if we assume likewise that the OD is proportional (its not, its logarithmic, so this is actually a low estimate) we can back of the envelope 800*9*.5=3600m from OD over that build time

so in terms of actual cost your singularity costs 4k to build, while your 115 winds cost 400m
+1 / -0
The constructor also loses time moving from one wind generator to the next, so it's probably not quite that good.
+0 / -0
The overdrive multiplier is actually a squareroot function; a logarithm would degenerate even faster.

Specifically, a mex produces metal at its face value multiplied by 1 + sqrt(E) / 4, where E is the amount of overdrive energy allocated to that specific mex.

So your mexes produce a total of +100M/s and there is 100E/s excess energy for overdrive, the amount of metal you get depends on how that is divided.
- If you have four mexes at +25M/s, each mex receives +25E/s for overdrive, gaining a multiplier of 225% taking them to 56.25M/s each, for a combined total of 225M/s.
- If you have fifty mexes at +2M/s, each mex receives +2E/s for overdrive, gaining a multiplier of 135% taking them to 2.7M/s each, for a combined total of 135M/s.

In-game, Zero-K does a pretty fair job of estimating how long energy structures will take to pay for themselves. If a smaller energy structure would pay for itself in the time it would take for a larger energy structure to complete, you'd be better of building the smaller energy structure first, since you'd finish the larger structure in the same time, plus you also have the smaller structure.

In terms of metal-seconds per energy output, the structures have the following order of efficiency, with some examples for wind generators at various lower bounds (lb) of wind output:

(Least efficient)
Solar        70m   per 2e/s    efficiency 35mse^-1
Fusion       1000m per 35e/s   efficiency 28.5714...mse^-1
Tidal        35m   per 1.2e/s  efficiency 29.166...mse^-1
0.0lb wind   35m   per 1.25e/s efficiency 28mse^-1
0.5lb wind   35m   per 1.5e/s  efficiency 23.3...mse^-1
Geo          500m  per 25e/s   efficiency 20mse^-1
1.0lb wind   35m   per 1.75e/s efficiency 20mse^-1
Singu        4000m per 225e/s  efficiency 17.78...mse^-1
Supergeo     1500m per 100e/s  efficiency 15mse^-1
(Most efficient)

In short, solars are robust but ineffective, fusions are compact and so more easily defended (especially if you can give them the safety of putting them underwater), singus are extremely effective, and super geothermals are so obscenely effective that even though they're a nice shiny target, they'll almost always pay for themselves even if they've only survived a short amount of time.

Wind can take you down a pretty deep rabbit hole if you let it. In short, even at ground level wind always beats solars and barely require anything (either in terms of height, or other concerns like finishing faster) to beat basic fusions, assuming that all your stable energy needs are met and you're only concerned with overdrive output. so I'll finish with a meme and some deeper explanations below the cut for those that are really interested.

Lots of Math below the cut.
+17 / -0
4 years ago
+2 / -0
4 years ago
I find it surprising that windgens are more efficient than fusions in all cases. Although I still prefer solars and fusions because paper =)
+1 / -0
4 years ago
thank you NZrankesainane
now i know what to monospam instead of storages
(yep i won a game with only weavers, windgens, a random crab and a trinity my team requested, so it works)
+2 / -0

4 years ago
Yea there is no mention about geothermal/Advanced Geothermal who is most efficient energy building in game.
Why would not make fusion reactor to morph in singu? It would be interesting.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I never build singu because its efficient energy source. I build it because i want please shiny power. Shiny power is greatest power in entire ZK universe.
+2 / -0
thank you NZrankesainane
now i know what to monospam instead of storages
(yep i won a game with only weavers, windgens, a random crab and a trinity my team requested, so it works)

yea doing pure eco will probably get you to 1800-2100 elo in teams depending on how good you are at it

economic insanity that i can pull off can get you comfortable to 2100 but you need to know how to reach 21 singu straight flush in a team game and that requires boss level eco skills

at that point you can tell your enemy "yes you are killing me, but it cost you more to build 2 EOS then it costs me to build a new signu..."
+0 / -0

4 years ago
lets all try this together next game.
+0 / -0