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Unfair bans-response

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4 years ago
Responding to http://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/229329#229329 because it was prematurely closed

"You're very close to being altogether banned from the community"
I am already banned so what? You'll change it to perm? I already uninstalled zk and i'm not going to return soon, but that's maybe a good solution to make sure that i won't return

I am not a nazi apologist, i acknowledge that nazism killed millions, but currently it's just history-its gone for almost 80 years and i was talking about that because several people tried do convince me that i got banned based on this fragment of code of conduct "We do not tolerate language that is abusive, bigoted, racist or sexist." So i was defending myself, its not like i came out of nowhere to discord and started praising nazism(and it seems you're treating me like that's the case)
I'll say again, in that game i didn't insult anyone or touch race topic, i just build some windmills(but my ban reason says that i used game draw function which is false).

As i said, i understand that you don't receive this argument, so can you just answer a simple question i already asked?

Why patrician got banned just for 1 day for teamkilling and when i did the same in the past, i got banned for 30 days?

+0 / -1

4 years ago
Repeat offenses = Longer bans.
+0 / -0
Given https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/fbi-neo-nazi-isis-us-terror-threat-level-trump-a9323786.html (and decades of Neo-Nazi groups around the world), Nazi's aren't exactly gone. There is no tactical reason to build windmills in a Swastika pattern, and that kind of "I was just doing <innocent-seeming action x>" smokescreen is a common dog-whistling tactic among far-right types. Cut it out.
+5 / -3
The spirit of the code of conduct is dont be such a huge dick. A person with a repeat history of offense combined with other punishments is going to look bad. Typically people garner some good will by behaving normally. A person with a clean record who suddenly out of the blue teamkills is going to receive more benefit of the doubt than a person witb a long history of teamkilling people over petty shit, spamming the forums with garbage, etc. The first person is more than likely to be perceived as just having a bad day and thus probably will just get talked to or banned for a day. The longer youve been in the communitity, the more likely it is to be in the bad day Category provided you dont have a history of it.

All youve done with the comm names, the posts, and the nazi trolling bs is just diminished your good will. Now youre mlre likely to receive harsher punishments. Why? Because youve made yourself LOOK toxic with your history and the nazi troll crap and now the posts. Its a recurrent theme that toxic players tend to be the ones crying over "unfair" bans. You just need to check the Asylum for "ban" to support this hypothesis.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
To answer your question:

In the battle you linked, you start off fully committing to building a field of windmills in a swastika shape.
The linking mexes argument you brought up in game chat doesn't hold up, and I can understand patrician getting angry (it looks like there is already some pre-game chat leading patrician to call you a nazi);
You not only draw a highly offensive symbol, you also hold back your team just to do this.
He didn't target your commander (as in the first thread), he only bombed your factory. I think that is roughly as severe as you throwing the game in the first few minutes to build that shape. So, the comparison between the first thread and patrician's current offense doesn't hold up, in my opinion, even barring emotions.

Besides, the first thread is several years old.

For the 2 vs 1 day argument: If you read your profile page, you can see two penalties. On patrician's page is one. Each seems to last a day.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Starting a new thread to continue a previously locked thread is not really going to help your cause. (hint -- it does the opposite)

My local copy of the replay stops before all the drama unfolded... I picked the worst time to leave that room it seems. Looking up your behavioral history also indicates that any explanation of moderation powers would fall on deaf ears. Typically I'd explain that Nazis are bad in a private setting, but you seem hellbent on bringing this up in public. So, just to make it clear in a PSA:

Nazis are bad, their ideologies are bad, and not welcome in this community. If only those ideas were actually dead and gone for 80 years... you might have a leg to stand on.

+4 / -2
For the reference of anybody else who doesn't already know, ban lengths are influenced by context and past behaviour. I have no idea what the context was six years ago that caused this person to receive a 30 day ban for teamkilling and don't really have a way to find out. In this case, one day is a below-average ban length for teamkilling but when somebody really ought to have been kicked and you teamkill them instead we are mildly sympathetic.

EDIT: I can at least read the ban reasons which reveal that PHrankKrystian was misrepresenting their situation a lot. In 2014 they were banned for three days for teamkilling, then a week for ban dodging and continuing to teamkill, then a month for ban dodging and continuing to teamkill some more.
+4 / -0